Meilleur sport de combat : deux boxeurs en sparring de boxe anglaise


Best combat sport: find the shock sport

📖 Reading time: 13 min

Each combat sport has its specificities. Among the most popular, we can talk about the boxing or the Thai boxing. But there are plenty of others!


To award the title of best combat sport, it's not not easy. There are too many parameters to take into account…


So, if you want to know more about combat sports and how choose the one that suits you, you are in the right place! We explain everything to you in this article.


Let's get ready to rumble tiger! 🥊


Everything you need to know about combat sports

Le ring d'une salle de boxe

To begin with, what is a combat sport? This is a sport where you are in opposition facing an opponent. The goal is to win the opposition using specific techniques and respecting certain rules.


Some examples of fairly well-known disciplines are for example judo, kick boxing, muay thai (Thai boxing) or karate.


When we talk about combat sports, we also often think of Martial Arts. Except that not all combat sports are martial arts. And vice versa…


From Martial Arts known to the general public, we can cite kung fu, taekwondo or aikido. But then, are martial arts different of the combat sports ? The answer is yes.


There are many differences between these 2 types of practice:

  • Combat sports are more focused on competition and efficiency
  • Martial arts are more focused on tradition and philosophy
  • The degree of contact in combat sports is often higher
  • Martial arts place a lot of importance on values
  • Combat sports focus on tactical and technical aspects
  • Etc.


In addition to martial arts, there are also self-defense sports which can be related to combat sports. The most popular are Krav Maga, Pendak Silat and Wing Chun.


Self-defense sports are differentiate of the combat sports by their goals and their practical application :

  • Self-defense teaches you how to protect yourself in real-life situations
  • Combat sports are practiced in a sporting and competitive context
  • Self-defense techniques are designed to neutralize without rules
  • Combat sports techniques follow rules
  • Etc.


In any case, combat sports such as martial arts, and defense sports present full advantages. But what interests us in this article is combat sports! So we will see their interests together.


Why take up combat sports?

You must practice a combat sport, because these disciplines are good for your body and to your mental. But it is also a sporting activity which has benefits in terms of social !


As for the benefits on your body, combat sports will help you:

  • Develop a better physical condition and a better cardio
  • Improve your strength and your endurance
  • Become more flexible and more mobile
  • Win in coordination
  • Develop your reactivity
  • Etc.


At the level mental, here's why you need to take up combat sports:

  • You develop your trust In you
  • You learn from values respect and discipline
  • You are able to better manage your stress
  • You get to be more concentrated
  • You learn to control you and control your emotions


And as we told you, practicing a combat discipline is also interesting in terms of social. It is a very good way to create links and forge a spirit of mutual aid and solidarity. Because yes, it's not just a fight!


On the other hand, although there are many good reasons to do a combat sport, there are still some disadvantages


The hidden side of combat sports

Combat sports are known to be quite risky at a certain level. If you practice just as a hobby, don't panic there is little risk. But that's when it gets a little more serious And intense that you can have:

  • Injuries
  • Trauma
  • Pains
  • Lots of fatigue
  • Etc.


But hey, all these disadvantages also exist in other sports anyway ! You just need to keep in mind 2-3 tips for avoid :

  • Choose a discipline who is you adapted (we'll tell you about it below)
  • Think about yourself warm up
  • Respect the rules sport and your opponent
  • Listen to your body and your mind
  • Listen to what your coaches
  • Do not neglect the recovery


Okay now that you know a little more about combat sports, it's time to know the different disciplines !


Triple threat: the 3 categories of combat sports

Did you know ? There are several categories of combat sports:

  1. The disciplines of percussion (fists, feet, elbows or knees)
  2. The disciplines of gripping (takes, screenings or submissions)
  3. Disciplines mixed (combining percussion and grip)


1. Percussion combat sports

Un combat de boxe amateur

In percussion sports, the goal is to hit your opponent to score points or KO To hit, you can use different parts of your body:

  • The fists
  • Legs
  • Elbows
  • Knees


Bien sûr, l’idée ce n’est pas juste de frapper. Il y a toute une technical behind: timing, distance management, defense, etc. There are also many strategy in percussion sports!


Among the most popular, we can cite :

  • Boxing (all types of boxing)
  • Kickboxing
  • Karate
  • Laotian boxing (muay lao)
  • Taekwondo
  • kung fu


It may seem strange said like that, but there are also combat sports of percussion-grip. This is when you can both to input your opponent (to keep in range or put on the ground) and hit. This is particularly the case for:


Which also makes a superb transition for us to talk to you about the so-called sports of gripping !


2. Combat gripping sports

Deux hommes pendant un entrainement de jiu jitsu brésilien

In this category of disciplines, you are not allowed to hit. Instead of hitting, you will seek to catch your opponent to put him at ground.


These are combat sports that use grabbing, throwing, submission or immobilization techniques. The aim is therefore to control your opponent on the ground.


It's a bit like a game of strength, technical and strategy. You have to be smart to find a way to create and exploit imbalances and therefore gain the upper hand.


We also often talk about grappling. In fact, when we use this term, it is to talk about all the disciplines of gripping where the objective is to subdue the opponent.


In this category, you will therefore find disciplines such as:

  • Judo
  • Brazilian jiu-jitsu and the luta livre
  • Sports sambo (Russian wrestling)
  • Sumo (Japanese wrestling)
  • Olympic wrestling (Greco-Roman and freestyle)


The cool thing about these sports is that you don't have to be the strongest, tallest, or toughest to win. With the good technical, good timing, the maid strategy, and a little malice, you can win!


3. Mixed combat sports

Deux hommes pendant un sparring de MMA

These sports, also called mixed martial arts or MMA for mixed martial arts in English, mix it up a little all practices. It's as if you took a pot and put lots of ingredients in it: feet, fists, projections, etc.


In fact, mixed combat sports mix both combat techniques and percussion and of gripping. You can fight very well standing in striking (boxing, kick-boxing, etc.) and find yourself doing struggle or seek to submit on the ground (jiu-jitsu, etc.).


These are very sports techniques, because you must master technical skills standing, on the ground and in close combat.


MMA is a bit like the queen discipline of mixed combat sports. But there are also others like:

  • The pankration
  • Sambo-combat (standing and ground)
  • The vale tudo


With all that, you start to know a lot about combat sports. Now, we are going to go even further into the details before helping you make your choice!


Focus on the most popular combat sports

We've already told you a little about it since the beginning of the article, but the most popular combat disciplines include:

  • English boxing
  • Thai boxing/muay thai
  • Judo
  • Brazilian jiu-jitsu
  • MMA


English boxing or the noble art

Deux hommes pendant un entrainement de boxe anglaise

We start with one of the oldest combat sports, boxing. She was born in England around the 18th century. Also called the noble art or the sweet science, it is practiced only with the fists.


THE rules of boxing are very precise and have evolved a lot since the creation of this sport. Professional fights take place in a ring and last 12 rounds. The goal is to knock out or score the most points by hitting without being hit.


The noble art is made for you if you like sports percussion, but you only want to use your fists to strike. And if you like to let off steam on the punching bag in training, so go for it!


With this sport, you will learn how to:

  • Use your footwork
  • Defend and dodge blows
  • Send the different punches
  • Managing distance
  • Etc.


Thai boxing or muay thai

Deux personnes pendant un entrainement de boxe thai

There Thai Boxing is a martial art originating from Thailand. Yes, it's logical given its name... So it's both a combat sport and one martial art which dates back more than 2000 years.


It is a very intense discipline and very complete. For what ? Because you use both fists, THE legs, THE knees and the elbows. You can even grab your opponent at the neck, this is called clinch.


Additionally, you can also bring your opponent to the ground with sweeps. On the other hand, there are no ground control phases. You always fight on your feet.


Muay Thai requires quite a bit endurance and of strength. But you also need to have a good strategy to gain the upper hand over your opponent.


Thai boxing is made for you if you are looking for a combat sport intense And varied, but without having ground control phases. You will learn how to throw elbows, knees, kicks, etc.


Judo or the path to flexibility

Deux personnes en plein entrainement de judo

You may have done it when you were younger, because it was a very popular sport at the time of our national champion David Douillet. Judo is a Japanese martial art which dates from the end of the 19th century.


The word judo also means “path of flexibility" in Japanese. At least that way, we're sure it's a martial art. And what's more, it is practiced in kimono, so no doubt!


In judo, the goal is to use taken, of the projections and fixed assets to beat your opponent. You must anticipate movements, use your whole body to send to the ground, in short it is very complete.


It's a educational sport which transmits values strong (respect, modesty, etc.) and with precise rituals.


Judo is a discipline that allows you to learn how to defend in a respectful setting, while challenging your physical and your mental. Because yes, you also have to be a strategist!


With this discipline you will learn:

  • Seizures
  • To be sent and controlled on the ground
  • Sweeps
  • The projections
  • Etc.


Brazilian jiu-jitsu or human chess

Deux personnes qui s'entraine au jiu jitsu brésilien no gi

Brazilian jiu-jitsu, or BJJ, is a martial art derived from jiu-jitsu japaneseborn (current judo). It was developed in Brazil in the early 20th century.


There are two phases, that standing and the one at ground. Standing up feels a bit like judo. But on the ground, it's something else entirely! In fact, in BJJ, you focus everything on ground technique, submissions And leverage.


To submit your opponent, you can opt either for joint keys (arms, legs, heels, etc.) or strangulations. We might as well tell you that you have to control your body well for that…


It is a very discipline technical and very complete. It's very strategic, because you need to be able to think quickly to gain the advantage or get out of difficult situations.


Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a sport made for you if you like sports gripping and you want to use your whole body. It is also an ideal practice if you like strategy and the tactical.


In particular, you will learn how to:

  • Bring to the ground
  • Pass the guard
  • Doing Keys and Chokes
  • Hold a dominant position
  • Defend attacks
  • Etc.



Un sparring de MMA

We end with the MMA (mixed martial arts), which we talked a little about in the section on mixed combat sports. This practice appeared in the United States in 1990s with the organization of the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship).


It's a young sport and still in full development. Especially here in France, because it was only legalized in 2020.


This discipline is practiced in a cage, often on 8 sides or in a circle. It's a really specific sport since there are very few interruptions during a fight.


MMA combined full of combat sports : boxing, muay thai, jiu-jitsu, wrestling, judo, etc. It therefore requires the fighters to be versatile and good in almost all areas.


At first glance, it is a discipline that can seem brutal. But she is very regulated, if not the most regulated of combat sports.


Mixed martial arts are made for you if you are looking for a combat sport intensive And varied. If you like to push your limits with physical and mental challenges, this is ideal!


With MMA you will, for example, learn to:

  • Bring to the ground
  • Fight standing (kicks, fists, etc.)
  • Mastering on the ground
  • Get out of a dangerous position
  • Get back upright
  • Etc.


Okay, now you know more about the main disciplines. You also know what the main categories of combat sports are. But the question is this: what is the best combat sport?


Conquering the title: what is the best combat sport?

Un club de sport de combat

This may disappoint you, but there is no no better combat sport. Each discipline check different boxes. To find the best one, you just have to try for yourself.


Ultimately we can say that the MMA is the best combat sport. He is very complete since it combines almost all disciplines. But everyone never will not necessarily like mixed martial arts...


Elect the best combat sport depends on many things. Including personal factors: what you like, your goals, etc.


Your morphology and your physical skills can also weigh on the scales. For example, if you are tall and flexible, taekwondo or karate may be good choices.


On the other hand, some combat sports can be more adapted than others in some situations ! Par exemple, pour vous détendre ou vous relaxer, vous allez plutôt vous tourner vers le tai-chi ou l’aïkido.


And as we know that many people ask the question, yes, we will tell you what sport is or what are the combat sports most suitable to defend yourself !


What is the best combat sport for self-defense?

If we base ourselves solely on the ability to defend in real situation, in this case, the best sports are those of self defense.


Krav-maga or pendak-silat, for example, will teach you how to defend yourself in a real situation. These sports combine the techniques the most effective of combat sports, and martial arts, for “neutralize”.


They are not really combat sports in the literal sense since you can attack the vulnerable parts like eyes, neck, etc. But you still learn fighting techniques.


On the other hand, if we do not take into account self-defense, in this case, the MMA and the brazilian jiu-jitsu are the best combat sports for you defend.


First the MMA, because as we have already said you learn to fight as much standing that at ground. And then the JJB, because in a fight in the street, you have a good chance of ending up on the ground.


Obviously, don't practice a combat sport just to be able to defend yourself. If that's your goal, the disciplines self-defense are much more appropriate.


Moreover, your objectives have a big role to play in choosing the combat sport you want to practice. But that’s not all to take into account!


Find your path: which combat sport to choose and how to choose? 

Un combat d'entrainement de boxe anglaise dans un ring

For choose your combat sport, you must take into account:

  • Your desires
  • Your needs
  • Your goals
  • Your abilities
  • Your constraints


Then, are you more of a sport percussion, sport of gripping, or a mix of the 2. Once you know this, you will narrow down the list of sports you can play.


You must also take into account the city where you live. Because yes, it may happen that your city does not have an MMA club for example. Look around and find out about the combat sports clubs that exist.


Then you can learn about the different disciplines. Make research on those that most attract your interest and curiosity:

  • Watch some videos
  • Read items
  • Attend competitions if possible
  • Go to forums or some groups online (Reddit, etc.)
  • Speak with your friends or acquaintances who practice a combat sport
  • Call them clubs around you and visit them if possible
  • Etc.


The more you will have d’informations on one or more disciplines that interest you, the more you will want to throw. On the other hand, don't waste too much time either, the most important thing is to do the first step !


It is also essential to try a discipline before registering. Try several. Because just because you like a sport from the outside doesn't necessarily mean you'll love practicing it!


We therefore recommend that you test different disciplines :

  • Make initiation sessions
  • try different clubs
  • Chat with practitioners and coaches
  • look at her relationship of the coaches with the students
  • Rate the atmosphere club general
  • Etc.


All this will allow you to make a precise choice And adapted depending on what you want. But above all, you must to have fun in your sports practice. This is how you will be consistent and progress!


Listen to your feelings and don't feel obliged to do a combat sport to say that you do a combat sport. You have to love what you do and want to do it to get involved.



THE best combat sport does not exist. It depends on you and your preferences. To find your discipline, you need to put on the gloves or kimono and try!


On the other hand, if we were to give you the the most complete combat sport, this would be the MMA. In fact, it brings together many disciplines (muay thai, brazilian jiu-jitsu, etc.) in one.


Anyway, there is full of combat sports. So, we're sure you'll find one you like! And above all, don't be afraid to take the plunge. You will learn lots of things about yourself and about sport!


Come and discover English boxing differently at the Cercle

Is your choice made? You want to test the boxing ? But does taking shots make you hot? In this case, The circle is the place for you!


At the Circle, we offer you discover boxing differently. How ? While mixing noble art And boot camp for a workout that hits !


Our sessions take place in 10 rounds for training 50 minutes :

  • 5 rounds of English boxing on aqua-bags
  • 5 rounds of bootcamp on benches equipped with dumbbells


The goal is simple: you let off steam And switch to off. At the Circle you come to let go and for that, we have chosen the best coaches from Panama!


Motivating, fun, explosive and always smiling, our coaches are there for you to guide. Are you feeling a little slack? No worries ! They will help you get to the end.


In addition, at the Circle, everyone has their place in the circle. It's not about level. THE course are accessible to everyone, beginner, as expert!


Comme on l’a dit, au Cercle, on boxe différemment. C’est pour ça qu’il n’y a no contact, no shock, full security. The only punches you throw are the ones on the aqua bags. Guess what? They don't hit back!


So, if you are hot potato to test one workout 50% boxing, 50% bootcamp, go to right in the heart of Paris in one of our 3 studios The circle !


Bastille, Beaubourg Or Montmartre, you choose. Anyway, what matters is not the location, it's the workout. Come join us tiger ! 🥊

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