Clinch boxe anglaise : 2 boxeurs au clinch dans un combat de boxe


English boxing clinch: how to defend with the clinch!

📖 Reading time: 7 min

In English boxing, the clinch is a defensive technique which consists in hook your opponent. The goal is to stop him from hitting you.

The clinch is often seen as dirty boxing, because he breaks the rhythm of a fight. When she is well controlled, this technique is very useful (recovery, etc.).

So if you want everything you need to know about clinch, You are in the right place. In this article, you will see its usefulness, how to set it up and how to avoid it.

Let's get ready to rumble! 🥊


What exactly is clinch? 

Le clinch fait partie des défenses d’un.e boxeur.euse et consiste à accrocher votre adversaire.

But the boxing n’est not the only combat sport where you can use it. It is mainly used in Thai boxing and in MMA.

The clinch is a melee control phase which allows you avoid attacks from your opponents. On the other hand, you can't stay like that forever...

The clinch in English, or hooking in French, does not never lasts very long. The referee usually comes to separate you after a few seconds if you are not working (moving, knocking, etc.).

When you go to the clinch, you stick to your opponent to prevent them from throwing punches. And it is often vu comme de l’anti jeu, because you break the rhythm of the fight.

Some even think that it is like you don't want to fight. Especially since it is rare that you are taught the clinch in a boxing club.

In some rooms, the clinch is not well regarded. It's a uncomfortable position and practitioners find that it is weird to work in such a position.

While in reality it remains a defense technique that has its usefulness. Although it's not always pretty to see...

And anyway, il vaut mieux savoir aller au clinch même si vous n’en avez pas besoin, rather than to need it when you don't know how to do it ! ⚡️

Why use the clinch? 

The clinch is a defense technique not to be underestimated. It allows you to:

  • Come to your senses when you are tired or affected
  • YOU get out of a bad posture
  • Frustrate your opponent by breaking its rhythm, its movements, etc.
  • Mentally destabilize your opponent
  • Tire your opponent if he doesn't know how to react


So you will have understood, the clinch is a strategic weapon not to be neglected. There is also several boxers who use it !

We can cite Floyd Mayweather Or Andrew Ward who use it quite well. Or even the Gipsy King Tyson Fury, who uses the clinch in a dirty boxing style.

Now that you know what the clinch is and why it is interesting, it's time to see how you should go about it ! 🔥

How to hook your opponent in the clinch? 

At the clinch aim it's from control your opponent's trunk and arms by girdling him. And it is your hands that play this role.

Pour rester à l’abri des coups, your head comes stick to your opponent's shoulder. Preferably on the side where your arm is well locked.

In the clinch, you must always be in control. If the positions reverse, it's a bad sign. Your opponent can release the clinch and attack you whenever he wants... To avoid this, you must know the basics. 📖

The basics of clinch

To hook your opponent the right way, you must:

  • Have a contact with him or her (head, arms, shoulders or elbows).
  • Stay close of your opponent.
  • Control both arms of your opponent.
  • Tuck one arm under your armpit (over-hook).
  • Control your other arm with your free arm (usually the rear arm).
  • Keep them abs contracted in case of blows.
  • Do not especially not put both your arms on his shoulders.
  • Put your body weight on your opponent.
  • Hold this position firmly.


Then when you are at the clinch, the ideal is to be able to work. That is to say move a little, throw punches if possible, etc. For this you can:

  • Use your head to push and change direction.
  • Use your elbows and your shoulders For find openings.
  • Try to change angle with movements (lags, etc.).
  • Use your legs to be powerful when you push.
  • Bring your opponent on the ropes to limit the amplitude of his blows.
  • Put your body weight on shoulders of your opponent to tire him out.
  • Stick your head on his jaw instead of his shoulders to hinder him.
  • Alternate the position of your arms, above and below.


On the other hand, if there is one thing you should avoid, it's from push your opponent with outstretched arms. By doing this, you are totally discovered and you expose yourself to a punch.

When you get hooked  

And if ever your opponent gains the upper hand, or manages to hold on to the clinch, Think of :

  • Don't struggle unnecessarily in all directions to get out.
  • Stay close to your opponent to avoid blows.
  • Try to pass your arms inside.
  • Do a rotation of your shoulders if you want to go out of the clinch.
  • Wait for the referee come you to separate.

Throwing shots at the clinch 

When you're at the clinch, you can also throw punches ! To do this, use your rear arm by doing it pass inside your opponent's guard.

THE rear arm East much more effective in clinch, because your back leg serves as support. You can therefore add power with a hip rotation.

While with your front arm it is more difficult to put on strength. For what ? Simply because your front leg is almost glued to that of your opponent.

But also above all, because it is easier to manage the clinch with your front arm. Your rear arm is too far away to maneuver.

For example, to throw a shot at the clinch, you can hook your opponent with your front arm. Afterwards, work with your rear arm and your legs to find openings.

As soon as you have the opportunity, send body shots. And if you come out of the clinch, the very moment your arms withdraw from your opponent, you can send a blow to the head to surprise him !

It is even sometimes possible to do clinch sequences and play with this defense technique. For example, free your arm, send a uppercut, then a hook And return to control with your back arm.

Now that you know how to hook and work on the clinch, we will see with you how to avoid clinch and how to get out of it. 🌪 

How to avoid clinch and get out of it? 

Avoid clinch

So as not to be fooled, your two main advantages are :

  1. Your footwork
  2. Your jab


Your jab will allow you to maintain distance all in avoiding melee phases.

Your footwork is essential to him to move correctly to avoid being trapped. The goal is to always be on the move and change axis.

You have to avoid contact between you and your opponent. Whether arms, elbows, head, shoulders, etc.

And if your opponent comes into contact, fight back with blows. It goes where deter to keep trying to hang on.

Sometimes, the most resistant or determined boxers will still succeed in catching you. And in this case, better to know how to get out of the clinch

Get out of the clinch 

Generally, the referee comes to put an end to the clinch quite quickly. But, if he sees that you are working on the clinch, he or she can leave you in this position.

That's why it's interesting to know how to get out of the clinch. Whether it's because you don't want to stay in this position, or because your opponent is too controlling.

For that you can try to lower your center of gravity by bending your knees. At the same time, turn your palms towards the ground.

Make a shift to the side And push your opponent with your legs, your shoulders and your head. At the same time, take your arms out and bring them towards you, then do a no withdrawal to put you at a distance.

Above all, don't forget, as soon as you come out of the clinch, bring back directly your arms on guard !

To get out of the clinch, you can also try another technique in sticking your head on your chin of your opponent.

Make sure your front arm is under your opponent's arm, in a way to be able to pass it behind your back.

Then, with your rear arm, you go push down to create an imbalance. At the same time, raise your front arm to make your opponent lean towards your back arm.

How are you force him or her to let go of your arms to regain balance. You can therefore get out of the clinch and even send one hook or a back uppercut.

This technique marche aussi dans l’autre sens : your back arm is under your opponent's arm and you push down with your front arm.


In English boxing the clinch is a defense technique that involves hanging on to your opponent. You belt with your arms in a way to control your torso and arms.

Associated with dirty boxing, THE clinch East often frowned upon, because he breaks the rhythm of a fight. But this technique is very useful.

She you allows you to destabilize your opponent, like her helps you recover if you are affected and tired.

At the clinch you can also throw punches ! But do be careful to always maintain control.

There is of course other defensive techniques : THE travel, dodging, etc. SO, to know everything about boxing and its techniques, we invite you to take a look at our article. 👀

Come box at the Circle 

There defense It is not really your thing ? You are more of a puncher ? So in this case, the Cercle aqua-bags are waiting for you !

The circle It is a 50% boxing and 50% bootcamp concept accessible to everyone, no matter your level. No contact, no shock, the only thing you put on the mat are the aqua-bags.

THE workout divides into 10 rounds for a 50 minute session in total. You alternate the boxing rounds on aqua bags and the bootcamp rounds on the benches equipped with dumbbells.

The concept is simple: you punch the aqua-bags using the 6 classic boxing punches And you strengthen your body with fitness moves.

So, if you want to switch to off and smash everything during a workout, come and try Le Cercle. It happens at the foot of the Sacré-Cœur in Paris 18. Come join us tiger! 🔥

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