homme pendant un entraînement de kickboxing


Kickboxing: the ideal workout to strengthen your body

📖 Reading time: 8 min

Have you heard of the kick boxing and you don't really know what it is? You are in the right place to learn a little more on this sporting discipline which has fist ! A recognized combat sport, kickboxing is a mix between French boxing and the boxing. To find out more, read on!


What is kickboxing? 

How would you define kickboxing? This discipline should not be confused with other types of boxing: Burmese boxing, Thai boxing, Indian boxing, muay Thai, etc. We tell you more!

A mix between English boxing and French boxing

Combat sport which emerged around the 1960s to UNITED STATES and at Japan, THE kick boxing is inspired by two key boxing disciplines: boxing and the French boxing. This kind of boxing presents the least danger

It is a discipline more than complete, taking his inspirations in boxing as well as martial arts. She therefore appeals to arm like the legs through punches and kicks. 

There are thus types of kick boxing: 

  • Japanese kick boxing : elbows and knees allowed
  • American kick boxing : feet and fists only

The fight takes place on a ring and opposes two kick boxers of the same grade category and even weight category. The goal being, for professional kick boxers, to knock out their opponent before the end of the fight. 

Depending on the category, particularly for children where the amateurs, THE blows are not actually delivered. This is called the light contact where the contact medium. There is therefore no no KO and the fight goes to the end of regulation time. To designate the winning kick boxer, the judges count the points that everyone has won during the fight.

Who is this for? 

You must not forget that, like many combat sports, kick boxing is a very dynamic sport which most of the time requires take hits. A risk of potential injuries is possible so you don't have to be afraid!

It's a ideal sport for people wishing to practice complete combat sport, For work the whole body, strengthen your cardio, his reflexes, her self-defense, etc. Women, men, children… everyone will find what they’re looking for! 

THE kick boxing is however not not a gentle sport and therefore some people cannot practice it. We think in particular of pregnant women, for whom the sport is too violent and intense. People with health problems should also avoid the practice: respiratory problems, cardiovascular problems, etc.

If, despite these conditions, you wish to take up a type of boxing, Ask for your doctor's opinion before you start practicing.

combat de kickboxing sur un ring entre deux hommes

Where is kick boxing practiced?

THE kick boxing can be practiced in specialized sports halls or in club. Your choice will be made in particular if you wish compete and fight or simply train yourself to improve your physical condition.

All the material what you need is on site. Just take good sports sneakers and an outfit in which you feel good! It is important that you have room to move so don't wear clothes that are too tight, for example.

You can also train alone at home ! You can therefore practice shadow boxing ! It is a technique which aims to punch into the void pour s’entraîner et améliorer sa technique. De cette manière, vous n’avez pas besoin d’investir dans du matériel Or d’avoir un partenaire training for punching.

A combat sport with multiple benefits

THE kick boxing is a sport so complete that it has many benefits notable. To see these benefits, you need to exercise regularly. Let’s discover them together!

Increases strength and tones the body

The practice of kick boxing works all the muscles. Thus, thanks to the speed, there power and the repetition of blows, you will see your body strengthen and become stronger.

It is therefore an ideal combat sport for burn fat And strengthen all muscles of his body. In this way, you will see your posture improve through the use of trunk and the precision of movements what discipline requires. Depending on the intensity of your session, you can eliminate between 700 and 800 calories ! Your body will quickly be toned and firmed!

Builds your stamina

L’sequence of blows is so fast that you go develop your cardio effectively. You will push your body to its limits and thus release as many toxins as possible.

You will also see your coordination reinforce ! Your reflexes seront encore plus développés grâce à l’enchaînement des coups. 

A regular training will allow you toimprove your technique. Each stroke will become easier and easier for you and you will really start to enjoy the discipline from that point on.

Relieve stress

You punch and you evacuate! Leave your thoughts in the locker room And clear your mind during your workout. 

Inspired by Martial Arts, you need to focus on technique in order to perfect your shots and sequences. For optimal concentration, take a deep breath and say goodbye to your daily life and negative thoughts.

The necessary equipment for kick boxing

You probably suspect it, but kick boxing requires a certain equipment for practice. Bandages, gloves, mouth guards, shin guards, helmet, etc. Let's do a check in !

Bandages or mittens

THE bandages are important for practicing kick boxing. In fact, they aim to squeeze your fingers together and so avoid the risk of injury particularly at the level of the metacarpals. You must therefore follow a precise methodology to wrap them in the right way around your fingers. 

THE mittens have the same purpose and are much less difficult to use and place. You just have to put them on like gloves and voila ! They will allow win time and thus go faster into combat 😉 

You absolutely must wear one or the other before putting on the kickboxing gloves to avoid getting hurt but also for hygiene issues. In fact, you sweat more in your bandages or mittens than in gloves. 

homme en train de mettre des bandes avant d'enfiler ses gants de kickboxing


Another essential in kick boxing: gloves ! They will be used both to protect your hands from blows that you are going to give but also to cushion the blows for your opponent. The goal is not to hurt it because of your nails for example. 

Particularly padded at the knuckles, les gants ont pour objectif d’absorber les chocs. Le wrist East well tight pour éviter qu’il ne se torde. En conclusion, les gants sont essentiels pour protéger vos mains des coups mais également pour protéger votre adversaire ou votre partenaire d’entraînement. 

Mouth guard, shin guard, etc.

All the elements that protect certain vulnerable parts of your body must be worn. We think in particular of teath protecter, which, in a combat sport such as kick boxing using the feet and fists, can easily receive shocks

Thus, the mouthguard will prevent teeth from breaking or colliding if the jaw suffers a significant blow. Se bite tongue and cheeks is also a risk which can have consequences and the mouthguard helps to avoid it.

THE shin guards are equally important, both in training and in competition. They come in the form of foam protection, as padded as the gloves. Finally, there are also foot protectors in the discipline. These are placed on top of the foot to protect both opponents.


THE helmet is an element not obligatory during training but it is most of the time obligatory during clashes during competitions. Thus, it must be well adjusted to protect the head of kickboxers and avoid too intense blows

Some people also prefer to wear it during training to avoid the risk of injury due to an uncontrolled blow.

Kickboxing techniques

It exists 2 kinds of techniques kick boxing: leg technique and fist technique. We'll explain that to you!

Leg technique

The first technique focuses on kicks by the legs and in particular by kicking. These are inspired by karate or even the French boxing shoe. We thus find the famous front kick, middle kick, high kick. 

A knee strike or elbow strike is not not allowed in American kickboxing but is in Japanese kick boxing. The difference is therefore important to know!

Several kicks are specific to the discipline of kick boxing. Among these, we find in particular: 

  • reverse kick : back kick
  • back kick : kick backwards
  • jumping side kick : side kick and jump
  • hammer kick : the kick boxer raises his leg high and brings it down violently to hit the opponent with the heel

It is therefore important to prepare your legs and feet well during training because unlike English boxing, in which kicks are strictly prohibited.

Fist technique

The second technique is that which focuses on the fists. Thus, the punches found in English boxing such as the front jab, THE rear arm cross, THE hook and theuppercut have their place in kick boxing! 

These punches are from various types of boxing that you can know: French boxing, English boxing, Muay Thai, Burmese boxing, etc.

We then find punches which are more from kick boxing pure: 

  • spinning back fist
  • back fist
  • superman punch

Thanks to kickboxing classes, you will perfect your punches to become an ace in the discipline. So… to your fists!

What you must remember

To conclude, the kick boxing is therefore a combat sport inspired by several practices such as English boxing and French boxing. It is a discipline called “foot-fists” which, as its name suggests, requires the use of feet and fists during training and competitions.

Being a very complete sport and involving all parts of the body, it has many benefits

  • increases your strength : the power and speed of the blows allow you to work on strength
  • tones the entire body : all parts and muscles of the body are used
  • develops your endurance : practice works the cardio
  • allows you to relieve stress : let go and no longer think about your anxieties, only concentration has its place in practice

To get started with kick boxing on the right foot, you must know the equipment required for practice: 

  • bandages and mittens : protect fingers from possible injuries
  • gloves : to absorb the shock of punches
  • mouth guard, shin guard, etc. : ils permettent d’éviter d’abîmer les dents, la mâchoire, la langue, les joues, les tibias et les pieds
  • helmet : the head is protected to avoid bad blows 

Finally, there is two techniques within the discipline composed of several varied kicks and punches: 

  • fist technique 
  • leg technique

Now you know everything about kick boxing! Are you going to try the experience?

Develop your muscles and endurance at the Boxing Circle

Do you want to get started in a training or a class that allows you to surpass yourself and exert yourself ? However, you don't feel ready to join a club or the federation to practice discipline?

Le Cercle boxing is the ideal place to start boxing ! Come and discover a uninhibited universe in which you will come out proud of yourself. On the program: a 50 minute session who makes you alternate between boxing and bootcamp. Learn them basic boxing moves sur l’aquabag et strengthen your muscles on the benches following the exercises that the coach shows you.

No need to have a foundation in boxing or experience in combat sports, everyone is welcome ! We are waiting for you to hit as it should !

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