Tous vos crédits sont valables dans les studios Sanctuary :
Aqua by, Decibel®, DRIP Hiit, Le Cercle boxing, Poses Studios And Space Cycle.

Summer Vibes Pass



Valid for 1 month from
from the date of purchase

1 session max/day

Named pass - 1 purchase/person


Type of engagement

Number of sessions/week

-10% with a 6 month subscription

3 month commitment

1 session/week


14 credits/week



-24% with a 12 month subscription

6 month commitment

1 session/week


14 credits/week



Économisez plus avec 2 sessions

12 month commitment

Best price

1 session/week


14 credits/week



-10% with a 6 month subscription

3 month commitment

2 sessions/week


26 credits/week



-10% with a 12 month subscription

6 month commitment

2 sessions/week


26 credits/week



Économisez plus avec 3 sessions

12 month commitment

Best price

2 sessions/week


26 credits/week



-10% with a 6 month subscription

3 month commitment

3 sessions/week


39 credits/week



-8% avec un abo 12 mois

6 month commitment

3 sessions/week


39 credits/week



Best price!

12 month commitment

Best price

3 sessions/week


39 credits/week




Type of engagement

-6% with 10 session pack

Pack of 5 sessions

5 session pack


70 credits


-4% with the 20 session pack

Pack of 10 sessions

Pack 10 sessions


140 credits


-13% with the 40 session pack

Pack of 20 sessions

Best seller

Pack 20 sessions


260 credits


Up to -25% with subscriptions!

Pack of 40 sessions


40 session pack


480 credits


welcome pack



welcome pack




Our studios operate on a credit system.

This system allows you to benefit from more advantageous rates for low demand sessions.

In order to fully understand how credits work, we invite you to consult the page dedicated to these explanations.

Et c’est ici que ça se passe -> CREDITS, HOW DOES IT WORK? 

Le Sanctuary Pass : c’est l’accès via un compte membre unique à tous les concepts et studios de la Sanctuary family.

Tout est centralisé au sein de l’application mobile Sanctuary (téléchargeable sur iOS And Android), conçue pour offrir une expérience sans précédent à nos membres. Elle permet d’accéder à tous les studios Sanctuary avec un seul pass, offrant ainsi la possibilité de profiter des best fitness experiences in one place :

1. Access to all your favorite studios with one pass, eliminating the need for multiple memberships.

2. Easy navigation between the different studios and fitness concepts available.

3. Réservation simple et pratique des sessions directement depuis l’application, permettant aux membres de planifier leurs séances en quelques clics.

By joining the Sanctuary Pass, you can vary your sessions by exploring different fitness concepts each day, each offering a different experience:

Nothing could be simpler!

To book a session, we have thought of everyone and made several means available to you:

  • On this website, quite simply, in complete autonomy:
    • Cliquez sur le bouton « TO BOOK » dans le menu de ce site
    • Choose your studio, day and time.
    • Log in to your member account (or create one) 
    • Si vous avez des crédits, c’est réservé ! Si il vous en manque, il vous suffit de recharger votre compte.
    • Easy
  • Avec l’application Sanctuary, qui vous accompagnera partout :
    • Téléchargez l’application sur Apple Or Android
    • Log in to your member account
    • Browse all Sanctuary concepts and studios!
  • Chat (a bit like MSN at the time): directly at the bottom right of your browser
  • You can send us an email at:
  • Homing pigeon: in this case, remember to tell him to take his sneakers, we will offer him a session.
  • And if you prefer to come see us, we will be happy to explain everything to you at the following addresses:
    • Studio Montmartre : 6, rue de Clignancourt, Paris 18. Between Anvers and Barbès-Rochechouart metro stations.
    • Studio Beaubourg : 60 rue Quincampoix, Paris 4. Station Chatelêt – Les Halles.
    • Studio Bastille : 28 rue Popincourt, Paris 11. Station Voltaire and Richard Lenoir.

Visit our page studios for schedule details.

After an ambient warm-up, you alternate between rounds of boxing on aqua-bags and muscle strengthening on fitness benches. All on our dynamic and rhythmic playlists.

In short, 50 minutes, 10 rounds and zero experience required. What a blast, come and try it! And for more details on the session, it's happening here.

At the Circle, no duel, no shock. The aqua-bag absorbs the blows but does not distribute any. All our sessions are accessible to beginners, intermediates, experienced… The idea is to be able to go with anyone and have a good time without judgment. The coaches are there to teach you the 6 essential boxing moves and help you progress. So don't panic, get in on the fun!

Attention : si vous êtes enceinte, nous vous conseillons de demander l’avis à votre médecin avant de vous inscrire, les séances peuvent être physiques 😉

Here, need nothing, want you.

Come as you are (a bit like McDonald's but with more sweat at the end)
Put on your most stylish sports outfit, or the one you've had since 6th grade, no judgment, for the rest, we'll put everything at your disposal:

Gloves = 0 : Gloves will be provided to you at the reception of your studio (and we don't want to brag, but they are stylish). However, if you prefer to bring your own lucky pair, be our guest!

Undergloves = 1: Il est obligatoire de mettre des sous-gants pendant l’intégralité de la séance pour ne pas vous faire mal aux poignets et aux phalanges. Vous n’en avez pas ? No worries, nous avons des sous-gants en vente à l’accueil pour 9,90€.

Bouteille d’eau = NEED: nous vendons de l’eau et des gourdes à l’accueil, mais si vous préférez amener votre propre bouteille, on ne vous refusera pas l’entrée ! 
Des fontaines sont disponibles dans tous nos studios si vous aimez la planète et que vous avez une gourde, et si vous n’en avez pas, on en a aussi des super stylé dans l’espace merch.

Towel, shower products, padlock… : Vous n’allez pas vous encombrer avec tout ça quand même, on vous met tout à disposition. Découvrez tout sur nos studios here.

We're here to sweat and let off steam! Leggings, t-shirts, crop tops, bras, shorts... the important thing is that you're comfortable.

Shoes: for your feet, we obviously opt for sports shoes, such as cross-training or running. And if you have boxing shoes, don't hesitate for a moment!

If you cannot attend your session, you have 2 options:
1. Cancel your session directly from your account
2. Send us an email to

However, remember to cancel your session 12 hours in advance. This would allow another motivated Tiger to take over your spot. Otherwise, it will be deducted. 

The session is designed so that the warm-ups help you avoid injury. We therefore advise you not to miss them. Unfortunately, you will be refused access to the session in the event of a delay, and your session will be deducted.

Beyond being cool you mean?

The Circle sessions are 4 in 1 : of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), muscle strengthening, of METCON (metabolic conditioning) and cardio. You will see an improvement in your physical condition, your balance and your coordination, while burning more than 13 calories per minute.

The best thing about aqua bags? They reduce shock on the joints and their shape allows you to see what is happening in front of you so you don't get lost during the session. In short, no risk of injury but the guarantee of surpassing yourself.

Our favorite part? The secretion of endorphins during the session which allows you to feel truly relaxed after each session.

And if you had any doubt, no, boxing does not “grow” your muscles. It allows you to strengthen them and tone your entire body. L'cardio-reinforcement association vous aide en effet à brûler des calories sans prendre de la masse musculaire. C’est clairement la solution pour perdre du poids et prendre soin de vous tout en vous amusant.

Côté équipement, on s’occupe de tout ! Oui, on est hyper prévoyants.

Before the session : pas besoin d’amener un cadenas pour les casiers. Ils se ferment avec une combinaison à chiffres personnalisable Si vous n’avez plus de batterie sur votre téléphone avant la séance, certains casiers en sont équipés ! N’oubliez pas de vous servir dans la pyramide de serviettes avant d’entrer dans la ronde !

After the session: Uh guys… we said: we’re going to sweat! No question of letting you go back to work or go for a romantic dinner in this state. In the men's and women's changing rooms, you will find showers as well as all the necessary products: towels, shower gel, shampoo, deodorant, moisturizer and even the latest Dyson hair dryers.

Quite ! For any questions, do not hesitate to send us an email at with all the necessary information. If you are in business, go directly to our dedicated page.

We are always here for you.

  • Chat (a bit like MSN at the time): directly at the bottom right of your browser
  • You can send us an email at:
  • Homing pigeon: in this case, remember to tell him to take his sneakers, we will offer him a session.
  • And if you prefer to come see us, we will be happy to explain everything to you at the following addresses:
    • Studio Montmartre : 6, rue de Clignancourt, Paris 18. Between Anvers and Barbès-Rochechouart metro stations.
    • Studio Beaubourg : 60 rue Quincampoix, Paris 4. Station Chatelêt – Les Halles.
    • Studio Bastille : 28 rue Popincourt, Paris 11. Station Voltaire and Richard Lenoir.

Visit our page studios for schedule details.


welcome pack



Or 26 credits which will allow you to complete at least two sessions* to choose from our 6 activities.

Only one purchase possible
Credits valid for 1 month after purchase
*based on 12 credits per session (85% of our sessions are worth 12 credits)


Postponable sessions

Sick? On vacation? Or is a busy week preventing you from completing your weekly session(s)?

No stress about losing your sessions! Sessions can be postponed up to 3 weeks after the date the session is credited.
Each session credited to your account is valid for 4 weeks in total.


Shareable session pack

On sait que le sport c’est plus fun avec ses potes alors on te permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de tes sessions. (Session décomptée de votre compte membre)

You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.


Shareable subscription

On sait que le sport c’est plus fun avec ses potes alors on te permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de tes sessions. (Session décomptée de votre compte membre)

You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.


The credit system

The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.

Système de crédits

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the type of session,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

With credits, you can benefit from lower rates on times with less demand.