Does warming up before a workout mean anything to you? You know, the short quarter of an hour at the start of training during which we tend to alternate between jogging, chasing steps and kneeling? Do you also tend to do it in a hurry or skip it completely? It's time to stop neglecting Tigers!
Découvrez pourquoi un bon échauffement boxe est indispensable pour pratiquer en toute sécurité. Et en prime, on vous propose une sélection d’exercices spécialement pour vos échauffements. Training at home or in a boxing club, follow the guide!
Awakening the Mike Tyson in you starts before you even punching bags. Before chaining jabs and hooks, you must prepare your body for the effort.
Warming up allows you to gradually increase your body temperature and limit the risk of injury.
More specifically, warming up before boxing training is essential for:
This physical and mental preparation must be done at the very beginning of your training but it can also be done again before starting a new activity or a new, more intense exercise.
As with all combat sports, the warm-up in boxing is divided into two stages: the general warm-up first, then the discipline-specific warm-up afterwards.
Pendant la première phase de l’échauffement, vous allez réaliser des exercices communs à tous les sports. L’objectif est d’utiliser progressivement toutes les parties du corps intervenant dans l’effort.
Jumping on the spot, heel-buttocks, knee raises, joint rotations (neck, shoulders, pelvis, knees), you are spoiled for choice in terms of exercises to perform.
Dans la seconde phase, l’échauffement spécifique vous permet d’intégrer progressivement des exercices et des gestes propres à la boxe.
This is where shadow-boxing (punches thrown into space) and small right-left movements come into play. Enough to warm up your muscles properly before your hiit boxing session Or other.
In sports practice, you can perform two different types of stretching: static stretching and dynamic stretching.
But should you stretch at the end of a warm-up? Some coaches will tell you yes, others will tell you no. We help you see things more clearly.
Static stretching corresponds to the best known and most practiced stretches.
These are stretches during which you hold a position for between 15 and 30 seconds, trying to go as far as possible in a progressive manner. You don't use any momentum, just your body weight.
Dynamic stretching is done in bursts and is not maintained for more than 15 seconds.
With a swing, you bring one of your muscles into a position that stretches it.
More concretely, this involves, for example, the heel-butt exercise. These movements allow you to dynamically stretch your hamstrings, the muscle located at the back of your thighs.
In conclusion, for a boxing warm-up, yes we stretch, but not just any way.
Vous pouvez insérer des étirements dynamiques pendant ou à la fin de votre échauffement afin d’augmenter votre température musculaire et de préparer le muscle à l’effort. Attention à les réaliser correctement pour ne pas vous blesser. Evitez donc d’en faire si vous revenez de blessure ou si vous n’êtes pas vraiment au top de votre forme.
On the other hand, leave static stretching for the end of your workout. They will then allow you to improve your flexibility and relax your muscles. Ideally do them 15 to 20 minutes after finishing your session.
Afin de réaliser un échauffement digne des plus grands boxeurs, pensez à suivre trois principes essentiels : la progressivité, l’alternance de rythme et l’adaptation.
We can never tell you enough, the objective of a warm-up is to raise your body temperature and prepare it for more intense effort. To do it without straining your body, it's quite simple: gradually increase the intensity of your exercises.
So finish your warm-up in style with the most demanding exercises to increase your body temperature. But be careful, you don't have to end up with a sideways fist either.
Après avoir réussi à élever la température de votre corps, vous devez maintenant la maintenir pour ne pas vous refroidir jusqu’au début de votre séance.
Our advice to get there:
For your warm-up to be effective, you must also adapt it to the sport you are going to practice, to your sporting profile as well as to your training environment.
For French boxing, also known as foot and fist boxing, you will spend time warming up your upper body and your lower body.
On the other hand, if you are more like Mohamed Ali and you choose to do English boxing, you will only be able to rely on your punches. You will therefore warm up your upper body particularly well: arms, shoulders, wrists.
And of course, whether you are a beginner or experienced, young or old, whether it is sunny or rainy at your training location, you will also have to adapt the duration of your warm-up accordingly.
In general, you don't need any boxing equipment especially for warming up before your workout.
However, if you have a jump rope on hand, you can use it for both your general warm-up and your specific warm-up.
En plus, la corde à sauter c’est vraiment THE accessoire du boxeur. Tous les plus grands l’utilisent dans leur préparation physique.
You've followed all our advice to the letter and now comes the question of whether you did a good warm-up. Trust your feelings.
And to help you, here are three unmistakable clues:
If all these points are validated, your warm-up is complete. Put on your gloves, and let's go for the rest of your session!
We've already told you, there is no typical warm-up in boxing. We have therefore selected several exercises that you can add to the to-do of your warm-ups. Make your choice.
To wake up the joints, we advise you to perform each exercise for 15 seconds.
Si vous avez une corde à sauter, vous pouvez l’utiliser après votre mise en route articulaire. Les possibilités d’exercices sont infinies avec cet outil emblématique du boxeur.
Accélérez le rythme, diversifiez vos sauts et variez vos appuis. Vous augmenterez votre rythme cardiaque tout en musclant vos bras et vos épaules. Et en prime, vous tonifiez et renforcez l’ensemble de vos muscles.
C’est du tout en un : l’idéal pour un échauffement progressif.
Cette partie de l’échauffement a pour objectif de vous mettre en jambes progressivement. Effectuez chaque exercice pendant 30 secondes tout en sautillant sur place. Vous commencerez ainsi à réveiller votre Rocky intérieur.
You can continue the shadow boxing en réalisant les enchaînements qui vous plaisent. Jabs, crochets, uppercuts, laissez libre cours à votre imagination. L’idée est de vous mettre dans le mood de votre séance.
Now that you know how to be perfectly warmed up before a boxing workout, it might be time to move on to the boxing session itself.
Et pour cela, on a la solution : 50 minutes d’entraînement alliant boxe anglaise et renforcement musculaire.
Venez découvrir l’univers des sports de combat avec zéro combat. Si vous avez envie de vous libérer du stress quotidien et de taper dans quelque chose sans prendre de coups en retour c’est la solution idéale.
Our coaches are there to support you in offbeat, energetic and musical sessions. In addition, our sessions are suitable for everyone, regardless of your level.
We're waiting for you in the Tigers round!
(*pizza could actually be our newsletter, but it's pretty good too)
Our studios
Le Cercle Boxing – Boxing club in Paris
6 rue de Clignancourt, 75018 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Beaubourg – Boxing club in Paris
60 rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Bastille – Boxing club in Paris
28 rue Popincourt, 75011 Paris
Our studios
Le Cercle Boxing – Boxing club in Paris
6 rue de Clignancourt, 75018 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Beaubourg – Boxing club in Paris
60 rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Bastille – Boxing club in Paris
28 rue Popincourt, 75011 Paris