motivation sport


TIGERS GUIDE: to prepare is to motivate yourself!

📖 Reading time: 8 min

Ok Tiger ! Tu t’apprêtes à participer à une session de sport intense et tu manques de motivation ? Prends 5 minutes pour lire ce guide, ça vaut le coup ! 


Understanding motivation  

Before getting to the heart of the matter, let's take a quick look at the motivation. Where is she from ? Why are you more motivated to do one task rather than another? How to successfully motivate yourself? We'll explain everything to you.


Intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, what about?

As human beings, we oscillate between 2 different types of motivation: motivation intrinsic and motivation extrinsic

In other words, you either motivate yourself because it brings you pleasure or personal satisfaction, or you motivate yourself because you receive a reward or you want to avoid punishment. 

Intrinsic motivation therefore depends on yourself while extrinsic motivation depends on an external element. In the latter case, it's a bit of a carrot and stick principle.

You will therefore have understood that to be truly motivated, you must seek to achieve intrinsic motivation. In this way, it is your self-determination which will be the basis of your actions and not external pressure.


Motivate yourself OK, but how do you actually do it?

Tiger, if you REALLY want to motivate yourself to do an activity, you must try to satisfy 3 types of basic needs.

  1. The need for autonomy
  2. The need for skills
  3. The need for relationship with others


The need for autonomy

Autonomy means succeeding in moving from “I do it because I have to” has "I do it because I love doing it”. To achieve this, you can notably play on the timing, there duration where the place of the activity. 

Maybe you prefer to exercise in the morning to recharge your batteries rather than at the end of the day after work or class. 

What if you only exercised twice a week to start instead of forcing yourself to do it every day? 

Before embarking on a new project, try to have a clear and realistic vision of what you want to accomplish. Remember to take into account the energy you spend on your other daily tasks. There's no point in overworking yourself for nothing, you're more likely to become demotivated than anything else.


The need for skills

It's well known that if you lack self-confidence, your motivation will take a hit and you risk ending up giving up. It's time to take the bull by the horns and stop doing activities you don't enjoy. 

Why force yourself to run for an hour every Sunday morning, if you simply prefer to walk for around twenty minutes every day? 

And why do individual activities when it's the dynamism of group practice that motivates you? 

Tiger, it's time to find an activity that you enjoy and that is challenging enough without scaring you. And doing sports effectively while having fun is possible. You can even practice it with your family or friends to motivate each other.

The most important thing is that you find your balance

And then, if in the end, you give it a go but you don't like it, don't force yourself to continue and don't blame yourself either. You at least tried and gave the best of yourself. So you can take it as a personal success. Now, it's up to you to find another activity that suits you better and in which you are fulfilled.


The need for relationship with others

In this new sporting challenge, are you alone or accompanied? Do those close to you encourage you? Or maybe you draw inspiration from other positive and motivating people? 

Your friends, your family, a coach, a mentor or people you follow on social networks, find the sources of inspiration that motivate you. 

And whether in person or online, always try to keep a link with the people who can push you to continue and surpass yourself.

These are the relationships that will allow you to stay the course and not give up when you feel sluggish. And believe us, a drop in morale happens even to the most dedicated athletes. 


Motivating yourself also happens through music

To combat lack of motivation, we have THE miracle cure for you: the music

Nothing better to regain energy than a catchy rhythm in the ears. On the subway, in the car or on foot, get in the mood with your favorite music.

And because at the Circle, music is also our source of energy, we have concocted some Tiger special playlists, to motivate you in all circumstances. 

Playlists Spotify Le Cercle Tiger On Air
Playlist Spotify Tiger On Air 01
Playlist Spotify Tiger On Air 02
Playlist Spotify Tiger On Air 03

If you are part of the Spotify team, find our playlists “TIGER ON AIR, perfect for motivating yourself. Otherwise, you will be able to enjoy our best music directly during your Circle sessions. In addition, each coach has their own playlist. You will always be in a different atmosphere, but full of energy.

The food boost

Putting all the chances on your side before a sports session starts in the plate

Discover the helping hands that change everything.

An empty stomach can't take the hits

Ok Tiger, if you want to be 100% effective during your session, you need to take strengths. A fruit, a protein bar, a small snack, it will do the trick and you won't even feel it in your stomach. And you will notably avoid a hypoglycemic attack. No dizziness, no headaches or cravings, only spending!

Difficult to do bounces on a full stomach

Find your balance !  À l’inverse de ne pas manger, tu ne dois pas prendre de gros repas non plus. La digestion requiert beaucoup d’énergie et mobilise une grande partie des ressources de l’organisme. Évite donc de faire du sport tout de suite après avoir pris un repas. Sinon tu sentiras ton estomac lourd et tu seras inconfortable. Ce n’est pas vraiment l’idéal si tu souhaites donner le meilleur de toi-même pendant ta séance. 

A little water YES! The sea to drink NO!

Before your session, hydrate yourself ! Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink, otherwise it's already too late. Your body is already affected by the lack of water. Try to incorporate hydration into your daily routine. But be careful, if you drink too much just before exercising, you will feel seasick in your stomach.

Drink water 2 hours before your session to prepare your body for the effort that will come, then drink in small sips up to 10 minutes before the start of your session. Again, it's about finding your balance. 

Make food your ally in the ring 

Food is the asset that will give you energy. Adapt your diet to your physical activity: sporting goals and diet go hand in hand. A diet balanced will therefore allow you to improve your performance but also to obtain results more quickly. Kill two birds with one stone, we don't say no.

It's all in the head Tiger 

Motivation is what allows you to measurecommitment that you have in an activity. It is motivation that determines when, intensity, and how much time you can spend on a task or exercise. 

Before even preparing yourself physically, you must prepare your spirit. Si tes objectifs sont bien définis dans ton esprit, alors tout t’est possible. 

Little tip to overcome the urge to procrastinate and stay in bed: repeat your goals out loud to yourself every day. 

We are here to give you all the tips to motivate you and give your all during your session. Take notes.

Motivate yourself as soon as you wake up…

Before your session, it is important to get into a good dynamic. If you do your session in the morning, remember to prepare everything you need the day before: outfit, equipment, sports bag. 

That way, when you wake up, you just have to get out of bed, put on your outfit and go. No time to think about getting demotivated.

And if you know that waking up might be complicated, try the good old technique of telephone far from your bed and a ringtone that you don't really like. That way, you have no choice, you will necessarily have to get out of bed to turn it off. And even if it means being out of bed, you might as well take advantage of it to continue with your session.

vs. motivate yourself at the end of the day

If you are more of an evening person and you do your sport after your day of classes or work, our advice is a little different. 

At the end of the day, you risk having much less energy to give during your session and this is normal: your body is active and has been working since you woke up. 

Before your session, you can therefore give a little boost to your body with a protein bar, fruit or snack. 

After a long day, you can also more easily find excuses not to do your activity: It's raining today, I am tired, I don't know what sports outfit to wear. Stop stop stop ! On arrête de s’auto-saboter Tiger. 

Prepare all your things the day before or the same morning, practice in a place that is on the way to work or home. In short, remove as many constraints as possible from the outset which could turn into excuses later.

Find your daily routine

The more we do sport, the more it becomes part of our routine, the more we become discipline, and the more we like it. And when we see the results, we can no longer do without it. It's a bit of a virtuous circle. The hardest part is getting started for the first time. 

At the beginning, the motivation will not always be there, it would be far too simple otherwise. But tell yourself that it happens even to the best people to miss a sports session from time to time. And don't doubt it, yes you are one of the best. So, very important point: never feel guilty! 

Motivation comes and goes, the important thing is to be more motivated than unmotivated in general. In the end, it's consistency that pays off. Even if you take time off for X or Y reason, always try to get back into it gradually and at your own pace. Even if you think you're not doing enough, don't give up. 1 is always better than 0.

Preparing physically: the role of warming up

Now that you're ready to break it all, your body needs to be ready too. 

To motivate yourself before a session, you must also prepare yourself physically. If your body is motivated, your mind will be too. The important thing is to get into a physical condition in which you want to exercise. 

Whether with basic exercises or exercises that challenge you a little more, at the end of your warm-up, your heart rate should have accelerated.

The Circle: the temple of motivation

At Boxing Circle, we know how to motivate our Tigers. When you open the studio doors, you are welcomed with dynamism and good humor. You're going to change and when you're ready, all you have to do is go down the stairs. 

Walk after walk, you hear more and more of the music, until you are completely imbued with an invigorating atmosphere. Then, in our darkened room, follow the instructions of our coaches and let off some steam. The session is between you and yourself. During these 50 minutes of effort, your only limit it's yourself.

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