Uppercut boxe : notre coach Anne K envoyant un uppercut dans un aqua bag


Uppercut boxing: the secrets of this formidable blow!

📖 Reading time: 9 min

The uppercut is a powerful blow, but not always easy to master. Speed, timing and precision are required for a good uppercut!

Used in all combat sports, it is a shot delivered most often at close range, with the front arm and the rear arm.

Placed in a sequence, the uppercut is very effective. On the other hand, he can also expose you to a counter.

You want know all the secrets of the uppercut. You want know how to send it. Guess what?! You are right in the right place.

So as they say in English boxing: let's get ready to rumbleeeeeee! 🥊


What exactly is an uppercut?

Also called a punch going up to the face, the uppercut is a blow delivered at short distance. This blow is given with the arm semi-flexed (90°) in a vertical trajectory against a speed pear or a person.

The uppercut is used to affect both the body and the head, in attack and defense. It's a blow rarely given alone, but rather in combination.

We are talking about a formidable blow, because very powerful. On the other hand, on a technical level, it's a different story. For the uppercut, speed and precision are appropriate.

It was also about Mike Tyson's lethal weapon aka Iron Mike. He chained his adversaries with a hook to the body followed by a devastating uppercut to the face.

And if you are rather new school, Gervonta “Tank” Davis also masters the uppercut very well.

Quelle est l’origine du mot uppercut ?

You guessed it, uppercut comes from the English “upper” and “cut”. “Upper” meaning “upwards” and “cut” meaning “to cut”.

If we rely on his etymology, c’est vrai qu’elle reflects this shot quite well. A vertical punch which somehow comes cut off your opponent's head.

Les différents types d’uppercuts

The main types of uppercuts are:

  • The rear arm uppercut or rear uppercut
  • The uppercut of the front arm or lead uppercut
  • The uppercut against
  • The uppercut to the body

1. The rear arm uppercut 

Very often used in combination, the rear arm uppercut is very powerful. He often comes after a jab or one front arm hook.

The rear arm uppercut can also be used to counter your opponent.

2. The uppercut of the front arm (lead uppercut) 

A little less used than the rear arm uppercut, the front arm uppercut can hurt too. Especially if it is well sent and with the good timing.

However, you must have the good technique and be fast, because it easily exposed to a counter.

3. The counter uppercut

To counter, the uppercut is formidable, you can use the one on the rear arm like the one on the front arm:

  • The rear uppercut will be useful to try to knock out your opponent.
  • The front uppercut going to come destabilize your opponent by surprising.

Like your opponent is on the offensive, her guard is open, which gives you more chance of touching your chin.

On the other hand, for your uppercut to be effective, you must either to dodge, either get out of the attack axis of your opponent.

4. The uppercut to the body

He is less used than the uppercut to the head, because the technique is a little different. To send a uppercut to the body, you have to slightly move your elbow outwards.

On the other hand, if you touch the plexus, THE ribs, THE kidneys where the liver, this punch can be very effective.

Additionally, the uppercut to the body is faster, because the movement is shorter. You can then use it both in attack and defense.

Les avantages et inconvénients de l’uppercut

Les avantages de l’uppercut

  • It's a powerful blow who makes damage when you touch the chin.
  • If he is well sent, you can hide until the last moment.
  • He integrates very good in different sequences.
  • The uppercut allows you to replicate during a phase of hand to hand.
  • When he is well sent, he is very hard to parry.
  • With enough power, you can knock your opponent out.
  • He keep guard up of your opponent and then come touch the body.
  • It also allows him raise the chin For touching the face.

Les inconvénients de l’uppercut

  • Quand vous l’envoyez, your guard is open for a few seconds.
  • It's a blow that can be predictable when sent incorrectly.
  • The more the uppercut is sent remotely, the less powerful it is.
  • THE Remote uppercuts are dangerous, because you are very exposed.
  • If he is missed, he can to lose balance.

Don't panic, to minimize all these inconveniences as much as possible, we got you! We will now see what you need to do to throw a good uppercut.

How to throw a good uppercut?

First of all, whatever shot you send, the golden rule in boxing lies in the fact :

  • To be relaxed And released
  • To have a dynamic position with the legs slightly bent
  • To keep the chin tucked in in your neck

Once you have these 3 things in mind, we move on to the uppercut ! THE basics are :

  • THE semi-flexed arm
  • There palm of your hand facing you
  • The blow is given in a vertical axis

Attention, your arm should not go down and up ! Everything happens at hip level which go from back to front.

Also think about blow on impact. That you helps to contract your muscles and therefore to put more power in your punch.

And of course, once your uppercut hits its target, always bring your arm back into your guard.

La technique de l’uppercut du bras avant 

All the steps of the front arm uppercut have to be fast so as not to be too predictable. Here's how to throw a good front arm uppercut:

  • Turn your shoulders and torso to the outside of your front leg
  • Put it body weight on your front leg (without sitting on it)
  • Make a hip rotation to bring strength
  • Do rotate your front toe slightly taking off the heel
  • Send the uppercut with the arm semi-flexed in a vertical axis
  • Keep it well opposite hand stuck to your face and the elbow stuck to the body
  • Bring your bottom into your guard

For protect yourself during the uppercut, consider having the shoulder raised to hide your chin. The shoulder – chin angle must always be closed to avoid counterattacks.

La technique de l’uppercut du bras arrière 

There technique is the same as for the front arm uppercut. In summary it gives:

  • Rotation of the torso and shoulders outside the back leg
  • Body weight on the back leg without sitting on it too much
  • Hip rotation for force transfer
  • Pivot the toe of your back foot taking off the heel
  • Send the uppercut with the rear arm in a vertical axis
  • Opposite hand glued to the face and elbow glued to the body
  • Bring your arm back into your guard

And for the counter uppercuts, the technique is the same, except that you must get off axis of your opponent.

Counter uppercuts 

How to counter with an uppercut?

To counter your opponent with an uppercut, you must first get out of your axis of attack. For this, you can either do a no side or roll your shoulders.

Ce n’est pas toujours facile parce que you have to have the right timing. And when it doesn't, you can get countered.

When your adversaire passe à l’offensive, let him move forward. When he starts to get into melee, turn your front shoulder protectively. Afterwards :

  • Shift with a side step
  • Send your rear uppercut against
  • Pass it under your arm of your opponent at the time of his blow

You are not not necessarily obliged to take a step aside. A rotation of the chest and shoulders to dodge may suffice.

How are you allows to break the distance and get out of your opponent's axis and more you will already be in position for your uppercut. You just have to send it under his arm.

OK, now you know how to counter with an uppercut. But how to counter an uppercut sent by your opponent?

How to counter an uppercut?

For to counter And parry an uppercut, first of all you must have a good distance and always keep the chin tucked in.

Also think about to move and to be active For stay away and therefore not be reachable too easily.

First of all to parry an uppercut, you must have a keeps it strong. For that, your two elbows must be tucked inwards to prevent the uppercut from going through.

And if you feel too much danger, dodge with a bust movement or one no withdrawal in order to widen the distance.

Then, for countering a front arm uppercut, you can for example:

  • Make a no withdrawal to move away, followed by a cross.
  • Parry the uppercut with your back arm and continue with a front hook.

And for countering a rear arm uppercut, you can try to send a jab or one front arm hook.

Using your front arm, you will have a best distance. There rear guard of your opponent is easier to reach with your front arm than with your back arm.

Combinations to try with an uppercut 

A good sequence contains usually 2 to 5 shots no more. When there are too many hits, you get confused and it becomes too hard to remember.

In your sequences you have to think ease, efficiency And impact. Don't worry, we will give you examples below.

After an uppercut it's interesting to continue with a hook one or direct. For example :

  • 3 – 6 – 3 For front hook, rear uppercut And front hook to finish.
  • 6 – 1 – 4 For rear uppercut, jab And back hook to finish.
  • 5 – 2 For front uppercut followed by cross, simple but effective.

You can also try the legendary combo of Mike Tyson (be careful, this requires a concrete cladding):

  • 3 – 5 For front hook to body And front uppercut to the face.
  • 4 – 6 For back hook to body And rear uppercut to the face.

For disturb your opponent, you can send a jab just before an uppercut. Voilà des exemples d’enchaînements :

  • 1 – 6 – 3 For jab, rear uppercut followed by front hook.
  • 1 – 2 – 5 For jab, cross And front uppercut to finish.
  • 1 – 1 – 1 – 5 – 2 For double jab, jab feint, front uppercut And cross to finish.

For these sequences, don't hesitate to change levels. Vary the shots body and at face For move your opponent's guard and find openings. These tips may be useful to you in hiit cardio boxing

And to train, the best is to work on a aqua bag. Long punching bags are not really suitable for uppercuts.

Otherwise you can also perfect your uppercuts by shadow boxing, in sparring (combat d’entraînement léger) ou aux Bear paws.

Some tips to improve your uppercuts 

Before leaving you, we prepared you two lists of all the tips to know and mistakes not to make to have a formidable uppercut.

Mistakes not to make

  • Your arm should not go backwards or bend down to arm your uppercut.
  • Don't throw your uppercut while bending your arm, but use your hips.
  • Do not send not neither uppercut if you're too far away.
  • Don't lean forward.
  • N’exagérez pas le mouvement by reaching as high as possible.
  • Aim straight and centered and no not diagonally or sideways.
  • Don't push too much on your legs as if you want to jump.
  • Send the uppercut to the top and not towards you.

Tips to apply 

  • Keep your palm of your hand always facing you.
  • Stay on guard as long as possible with the chin tucked in.
  • Return your arm to your guard immediately after touching.
  • To make your shot easier, you can make a small step aside.
  • Keep well your shoulder and elbow inward.
  • Think of vary uppercuts to the body and head.
  • Also think about the hip rotation and at pivot of your foot.
  • Move your head often to be less predictable.
  • You will have more ease to throw an uppercut after a hook or a jab.
  • Work it speed of your uppercuts before putting power into it.
  • For more stability, visualize your sagging hips.


The uppercut is a formidable blow in boxing. In vertical trajectory from bottom to top, with the semi-flexed arm, vous pouvez l’envoyer avec votre back arm like your front arm.

To the body or against, l’uppercut s’intègre très bien dans différents enchaînements. On the other hand, he can easily expose you to a counter if you don't have the right technique.

For a good uppercut, everything happens in the rotation of your hips, which give power! And especially, don't exaggerate the movement, stay compact and turn your body well.

If you want even more information on the basics of the attack, but also of the defense, we invite you to take a look at our article on the boxing technique !

Come and send your best uppercuts to the Circle!

You do not know The circle ? What a mistake ! The Circle is a concept focused on English boxing : a workout 50% boxing And 50% boot camp.

THE 50 minute sessions take place in 10 rounds where you alternate boxing on aqua-bags and muscle strengthening on the benches.

And as we told you earlier, there is nothing better than aqua-bags to sharpen your uppercuts. 😉

In addition, the Circle workouts are accessible to all levels ! No fight, no shock, you hit the aqua bags without taking any blows in return.

So, for workouts inspired by boxing in a crazy atmosphere, you know where to go. Join our Tigers to the Circle in the 18th district of Paname !

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