
Boxing training equipment: the essentials

📖 Reading time: 4 min

Want to get into the ring or just want to let off some steam? Wait a little longer before putting on your gloves, we will first explain to you what basic boxing equipment you will need during your training.

Whether you are a rookie or experienced in a combat sport, your boxing equipment allows you to improve and progress, while having good protection. So stay safe and let's go!


S’entraîner seul : quel matériel pour commencer la boxe ?

The good thing about boxing is that if your sparring partner (partenaire d’entraînement) vous fait défaut à la dernière minute, vous pouvez toujours vous entraîner seul.e et progresser. Découvrez quel est l’équipement d’entraînement dont vous avez besoin.


Punching a punching bag lets you let off some steam and it feels good, but if you can avoid getting hurt, it's still better. For this, there is only one solution: protect your hands in boxing gloves. Your fists will be hardened and your blows amortized in the punching bag. You will be able to strike without any restraint and without hurting yourself.

Undergloves and bandages 

Using boxing gloves is essential, but it is not enough Tigers. Also think about protect all the bones in your hands by putting on gloves. In addition, they promote the absorption of your sweat and allow you to preserve your gloves for longer against wear.

If you prefer, you can instead opt for bandages around your hands but positioning them correctly will require a little more know-how.

Le sac de frappe ou l’aqua-bag

Si tous les champions l’utilisent, ce n’est pas un hasard. Le sac de frappe, c’est un véritable boxing emblem. Il vous permet de travailler de manière performante, tout en étant complètement autonome. Technique, précision, endurance, vitesse et puissance, lors d’un training with a punching bag, aucune notion n’est mise de côté.

And we know, a punching bag hanging in the middle of the living room or stuck on your wall takes up space (and in terms of decoration, that's debatable). You can choose an alternative that is easier to move: the inflatable free-standing punching bag.

The punching ball or the speed bag

Another legendary boxing equipment, the punching ball allows you to work on cardio, precision and speed of punches.

It also allows you to simulate a real face-to-face situation with an opponent. When you throw punches, you can think of the swinging movements of the speed bulb as the movements or blows your opponent would return. You will be able to work on your movements and your dodges.

S’entraîner à 2, l’équipement boxe qu’il vous faut

If you have the opportunity to work with a coach or sparring partner, you will be able to incorporate boxing equipment additional dans votre entraînement. C’est l’occasion de diversifier votre pratique et d’essayer de nouveaux exercices pour progresser.

Bear paws and boxing PAO

Held by your trainer, the pattes d’ours and the DTP are boxing targets dans lesquelles vous devez taper. Elles vous permettent de vous concentrer sur l’enchaînement des coups.

Jab, jab, cross! Jab, jab, uppercut! Jab, jab, cross!

Improve the range of your punches by becoming more precise, faster and more powerful.

Helmet and mouthguard

If your training partner can also hit you back, make sure you protect yourself properly against their attacks. With a hook or an uppercut, your teeth, tongue, cheek and skull are easily affected. So, don't forget to put your helmet and your mouth guard before entering the boxing ring.

Other protections for boxing

Bien évidemment, comme dans tous les sports de combat, si vous travaillez avec un partenaire d’entrainement, vous devez protéger les zones les plus sensibles et fragiles de votre corps. Shell And chest protector are your best allies for optimal protection of your body, so don't forget them!

Boxing equipment to prepare physically 

You will have understood, to become a better boxer, you can optimize several elements: your technical, your power, your precision, your explosiveness or even your coordination.

To improve on these points, many sports equipment can be used in your training. Skipping rope, dumbbells, kettlebell, medicine ball, weighted vest or even pull-up bar, you are spoiled for choice. The Tiger in you just wants to progress. By using these tools, you prepare your neck as well as your arms, legs and abdomen. 

What outfit for boxing?

Find your champion

Who says boxing says punches, travel and (lots of) sweat. It is therefore essential that you are completely comfortable at all times during the session. Favor light clothes in which you are full confidence. T-shirts, tank tops, shorts, sports bras, whatever. The main thing is that you are not hampered in your movements.

Soyez à l’aise dans vos baskets 

For shoes, there too you are spoiled for choice…well almost. Just make sure the soles of your shoes are flat and that your ankles are perfectly well supported when you move around. You don't want to sprain yourself in the middle of your workout.

Vous pouvez donc directement prendre des chaussures de boxe, c’est une valeur sûre, mais vous pouvez tout aussi bien choisir d’autres types de modèles. Your feet, your choice!

Learn about boxing with the Cercle aqua-bags

Are you still motivated to start boxing, but taking hits cools you down a little? Carefree ! At the Cercle, enjoy 50 minutes of intensive workout to let off steam on aqua-bags. I promise, they won't hit back!

Come and discover hybrid training combining boxing and muscle strengthening. The courses are accessible to everyone regardless of your level. Our coaches are there to support you and motivate you to surpass yourself in our club. No judgment, one goal: enjoy.

And as a bonus, for equipment, you can use our stylish boxing gloves to become the next Rocky Balboa.

So, enter the round, our coaches are waiting for you!

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