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Hook boxing: one of the most devastating blows in boxing

📖 Reading time: 4 min

How would you like to have a Mike Tyson hook? It's always reassuring to have more than one trick up your sleeve to knock out your opponent. In this article, we will introduce you to how to place a hook. But not only ! We're going to teach you how to nail a hook and make it powerful. Ready to win?


What exactly is a boxing hook?

A hook refers to an indirect punch that must land on your opponent's side. It is also called short hook punch or hook. Il s’agit d’un coup-de-poing semi-circulaire à la fois bref et compact. On l’utilise très souvent en boxe.

To achieve this, you must make a shoulder rotation, trunk or back. Then, you must swing your arm to form a 90° angle to your opponent's horizontal axis.

Typically, a boxer uses a hook to reach the jaw. THE liver hook, often underrated, is formidable if it is well placed. The blow is more painful there. With a series of hooks to the liver, you have a chance of TKO (Technical KnockOut) or KO (KnockOut) your opponent.

Indeed, to put your rival on the ground a hook is just as powerful as an uppercut. Interesting, no?

The different types of crochet

Depending on your opponent's guard, you can place two types of hooks: the body hook and the head hook.

Hook to the body

Body hooks require both your front arm and your back arm. For a body hook you must be sufficiently close. This technique requires optimal reach in order to find openings in your opponent's guard. You must use it when your opponent has his arms high.

Here are some tips for placing an unstoppable body hook: 

  • Work your jab for effective range.     
  • Move a little further forward and to the right or left side compared to your basic posture.
  • Slightly tilt your shoulder, hips and knees to the side.  
  • Pivot your toe at the same time as your torso for optimal force transfer.
  • Reposition your arm at chin level immediately after placing your punch.

Hook to the head

The head hook, just like the body hook, can be done with your back arm or your front arm. This boxing technique is preferred when the guard of your opponent is low For break the distance. This technique is also useful in hiit training boxing

Use the hook of rear arm if you are at short distance. On the other hand, use the hook of front arm if your opponent is right-handed And attacks with its rear arm. To succeed with these techniques, you must:

  • (re) take your basic posture;
  • Cover your chin with your free arm (left or right depending on the technique you are using);
  • Tilt your hips as well as your shoulder and knee to the left or right;
  • Avoid overextending your arm; 
  • Put your weight on your leg to deliver a powerful blow to the head;
  • Immediately reposition your glove next to your chin.

How to place a good hook?

Want to set a good hook? First start by mastering the crochet technique. If you don't have a training partner, use a punching bag or a pear of speed. This allows you to perfect your technique while putting on power. Cool, right?

To work on your speed and your coordination, practice with Bear paws. Pay attention to your opponent's postures and position and choose the right moment to attack. You must carefully calculate the distance between you and your rival to achieve an effective punch.

Lors de votre attaque, ne baissez jamais votre garde, cela faciliterait la riposte de votre adversaire. Donner un crochet c’est super. En recevoir, beaucoup moins.

Our tips for a Mike Tyson-style hook

Think a Mike Tyson hook is difficult to pull off? Well, no (although a little bit anyway). With a good workout, you can achieve an almost as incredible shot. You have to be quick and strong on your shot, that's the key.

To improve and make your hook superpowerful, your torso must make a rotating movement. This is how you make your hook powerful. By putting all your weight into your hook, it becomes devastating.

One very important thing: you have to focus on the way you train. Work on your speed and power with a punching bag and bear paws.

Also think about perfecting your shadow boxing. This allows you to give more and more precise blows and work on your movements. With unstoppable punching power and precision, you increase your chances of winning each round.

Before sending your hook, make sure you have an opening. Soit, vous la créez, soit vous profitez de la mauvaise garde de votre opposant. Et pourquoi pas la feinte ? Utilisée à bon escient, cela permet de créer une jolie ouverture. C’est un des plus grands secrets des champions de boxe.

D’ailleurs, savez-vous pourquoi le crochet de Mike Tyson a mis au sol tant de champions de boxe ? Le secret : un enchaînement de crochets au corps suivi d’un uppercut direct au visage.

Come drop your best hooks at the Circle!

Do you want to become a cool and invincible boxer? Le Cercle offers you a workout based on boxing and bootcamp. Become one of our Tigers and take advantage of our 50-minute sessions to perform boxing and muscle strengthening movements. You alternate between aquabags and fitness benches.

Join Le Cercle to practice and perfect your crochet. If you haven't mastered it yet, don't worry! Our coaches full of energy and good vibes will help you. You will learn in total fun. Beginner? No worries, you will have all the tips for bang the bag like a champion.

Powerful and muscular arms are always an asset in boxing, especially for throwing devastating hooks. You will find here some useful tips to strengthen and strengthen your arms.

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