Welcome » Welcome » Guide to Types of Boxing » Boxing weight loss: does boxing really make you lose weight?
Vous souhaitez perdre du poids rapidement, mais vous ne savez pas vraiment quel sport pratiquer ? Ne cherchez plus, la boxe est la discipline dont vous avez besoin ! Brûler des calories et améliorer votre bien-être n’aura jamais été aussi simple. On vous explique pourquoi ce sport de combat a sa place dans votre quotidien.
Boxing is the ideal sport to promote weight loss. In this complete combat sport, all your muscles are permanently engaged. Whether for leisure or competition, your workouts will combine cardio and muscle strengthening. You will then burn calories without gaining muscle mass.
We don't teach you anything, boxing is a very sport cardio. Your body is constantly moving and your muscles are constantly working.
En 50 minutes d’entraînement, vous brûlez jusqu’à 650 calories. With boxing, you can say goodbye to your unwanted fats.
On vous l’a déjà dit, dans un cours de boxe, ce sont tous les muscles de votre corps qui sont engagés : dos, bras, épaules, jambes, fessiers et même votre ceinture abdominale.
With each session, you tone all these parts of your body.
To have a body curved And harmonious, il n’y a pas de recette miracle : faites de la boxe regularly !
L’intensité des entraînements de boxe vous demande un continuous effort and intense. You must be able to keep the rhythm on your punching bag, on your exercises with a weight bench, ou bien à tenir sur le ring face à un partenaire d’entraînement.
With each training session, you work on both your endurance and your breath management. Your cardiovascular capacities and your endurance will then improve over time.
La boxe est aussi un sport qui vous permet d’évacuer votre stress Daily. With each blow sent, you release the pressure.
In addition, during workouts, you also secrete endorphins. So you come out sweaty, but much more relaxed.
Throughout your sessions, you will push your limits and go beyond your abilities.
You will become more and more confident in your shots, whether in terms of technical or power.
This better self-control in the ring will also be reflected in your daily life. You will have a better confidence In you and you will be ready to take on any challenges that come before you.
Gardez en tête que faire du sport pour perdre du poids, c’est bien, do not be discouraged au bout de 3 séances, c’est mieux ! On vous présente rapidement certains types of boxing which might interest you.
In boxing, only the punches between opponents are permitted during combat. This noble art is the most popular and publicized type of boxing today.
There French boxing is a boxing feet-fists. This means that in the ring, fighters can give each other both kicking, but also punches.
Also known as MMA, mixed martial arts combine several disciplines : French boxing, Thai boxing, judo, wrestling, or even jiu-jitsu.
All strikes are permitted: strike foot, of fist, of elbow, of knee, strikes on the ground And immobilization. The techniques of projection and of submission are also allowed in the octagon.
Cardio boxing, fitness boxing Or fit boxing, whatever name you give it, this discipline is a variation of the traditional boxes presented just before.
In practice, you mix the shots of the boxing, of the fitness exercises and a lot of cardio.
Without ever fighting an opponent in a fight, you benefit from all the benefits of a boxing class.
This is the ideal discipline for promote your weight loss without being afraid of taking blows in return.
We cannot give a perfect answer to this question. There is no type of boxing Perfect to lose weight.
You must choose your boxing according to your personal goals, of yours expectations towards the discipline as well as your physical abilities.
Do you want to kick and punch? Turn to a foot and fist boxing like French boxing, muay thai or full contact.
Do you want to exercise without taking the risk of being injured by enemy blows? Try it instead cardio boxing.
Your ideal boxing type may be different from your neighbor's, but that doesn't matter. The most important thing is that the boxing you choose suits you.
If you still have doubts about your choice, you can make trial class in different boxing clubs. In testing different concepts, you will be able to more easily form your own opinion on each discipline.
Now that you've decided which type of boxing suits you best, it's time to get down to business. Follow the leader ! We explain to you how the majority of boxing training takes place.
Before getting into the ring, you must warm up properly. A good warm-up allows you to prepare your body for exercise and therefore to practice in complete safety.
Start with a general warm-up with light jogging, hopping on the spot, knee raises, heel-buttocks, or rotations of your joints (knees, pelvis, shoulders, neck).
To gradually get into shape, then move on to a more specific warm-up to boxers with a jumping rope or shadow boxing (blows given in a vacuum).
Adapt the duration and intensity of your warm-up according to your needs. When your heart rate has increase and that you will have hot, you will be ready to let off steam in the ring.
Are you warmed up? Put on your boxing gloves, your training is about to begin! As a general rule, the boxing session is divided into several parts: the shadow boxing, THE punching bag work, THE cardio then the muscle strengthening.
Each of these parts allows you to improve your SKILLS and your techniques boxing. At the same time, you work on both your endurance and your Muscular force.
To achieve this, give your best (and even a little more) throughout the session. By being regular, your progress will be felt after a while. a few weeks. Hold fast !
You're probably wondering how many classes you need to take per week to get quick results?
As with what type of boxing is right for you, the answer depends on your motivation and your availability.
If you can practice 3 times a week, go for it! If you only have one slot available, that's enough too.
The most important thing is to find your cruising speed and maintain it over the long term.
Don't force yourself to go 5 times a week if you don't have time to recover between each class. You just risk hurting yourself clumsily or getting discouraged.
Instead, encourage progression in time. For example, you can start with a course on the weekend. Then add another course during the week and so on.
Remember that physical activity is important for weight loss, but it cannot work miracles on its own. To get results, also remember to watch what you eat. It's the combo sport + healthy and varied diet which will allow you to achieve your goals much more easily.
You can also combine sessions of bodybuilding to your boxing program to complete your weight loss process.
You will have understood Tigers, boxing is THE ideal sport to lose weight quickly:
Are you still unsure about the type of boxing that suits you? Come and try the cardio boxing classes at Boxing Circle.
During 50 minutes, you will alternate between punches in our punching bags And muscle strengthening on our weight benches.
In case of slack, you can count on theindulgence and the good mood of our coaches. Hyper motivated, they are there to support you throughout the session and push you to exceed while taking pleasure.
So, enter the Tigers round! We're just waiting for you at the studio!
(*pizza could actually be our newsletter, but it's pretty good too)
Our studios
Le Cercle Boxing – Boxing club in Paris
6 rue de Clignancourt, 75018 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Beaubourg – Boxing club in Paris
60 rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Bastille – Boxing club in Paris
28 rue Popincourt, 75011 Paris
Our studios
Le Cercle Boxing – Boxing club in Paris
6 rue de Clignancourt, 75018 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Beaubourg – Boxing club in Paris
60 rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Bastille – Boxing club in Paris
28 rue Popincourt, 75011 Paris