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Esquive de boxe


Everything you need to know about dodging for boxing!

📖 Reading time: 6 min

L’une des bases de la boxe c’est de ne pas prendre de coups, ou du moins de les éviter au maximum. L’objectif c’est aussi d’en envoyer un maximum à son adversaire. Cela nécessite une bonne ability to thwart attacks using techniques and movements to avoid them. Dodging is one of them, defensive skill important in boxing to win fights. Dodges allow you to work on your explosiveness in boxing

Want to know more about how to improve your reflexes? Do you want to integrate dodging work into your workout? You're at the right place! Whether for training, strengthening your support or being more agile and mobile, you are in the right place to learn everything about dodging techniques in boxing !


How to dodge punches in boxing?

There is multiple ways to dodge boxing blows. We can in particular cite the lateral inclination of the bust or the partial misalignment to avoid direct attacks such as jabs and crosses.

There is also the dodge with which to avoid uppercuts by bending your knees.

We can also simply keep or eliminate the distance with the opponent to prevent blows and better prepare to attack.

Another way is to dodge successive blows by combining leg and foot movements. The goal is to avoid the most common jab, cross and left hook combinations.

By using speed and agility, we dodge blows much more easily in boxing. So you need to improve on that. You can also practice pendulum movements by moving your head from side to side while rolling your shoulders. By doing it randomly, the opponent will not be able to guess the position of your head when he is going to attack. Stay moving smoothly and rhythmically also helps to dodge opponent's punches. So you can develop your coordination

The different types of dodge 

The main types of dodging in boxing are side and spin dodges. There are also some which consist of moving the head and the whole body back. You can make this boxing exercise at home

L’esquive latérale

With side or side dodges, you especially avoid jabs with the front arm. They don't just involve moving your head, but also slightly bending your legs on the same side you are dodging. With this movement you will lower your body instead of leaning it to one side. A very efficient movement against a right-handed boxer.

Il est toutefois déconseillé face à un boxeur gaucher, car vous allez être exposé à son bras arrière, and you know à quel point le bras arrière peut faire mal… C’est pour ça qu’on vous conseille d’éviter les esquives sur la gauche (attention il faut tout de même s’entraîner à ce type d’esquive).

L’esquive rotative 

More effective and less risky than side dodges, with spin dodges you move horizontally and vertically. You will become a difficult target to hit. They consist of moving the head in an arc or U shape, from right to left or vice versa. You therefore do not move your torso laterally, but in a rotational manner. 

How to improve your dodges?

Like any sporting discipline, the best way to improve your dodging is to train regularly. To become a dodging pro, it's even better if you are helped by an experienced coach. This will help you avoid getting your feet tangled.

Working on your travels

Start by working on your movements to improve your boxing dodges. Indeed, your opponent will have difficulty hitting you if you are constantly moving. Look at how great boxers do it and you will understand, it seems like they are following a choreography. Besides, anecdote time: the boxer Vasil Lomachenko went through dancing before boxing, and he is known to be one of the boxers who moves best!

Their way of moving in the ring, their ease and fluidity of their gestures prevent their opponents from understanding their way of boxing. By failing to achieve their objective, these moves expose their opponents to powerful counterattacks. 

You can also use the jumping rope For strengthen your cardio and learn not to put too much weight on your supports. However, move slightly from left to right or front to back and vice versa instead of jumping in place.

Also do shadow boxing, you will be more comfortable when traveling. And you can learn to avoid your opponent's imaginary punches with your dodges and moves. Shadow is a must to stay moving !

Learn to stay energized and relax 

If you are new to boxing, learn to find the right balance between tension and relaxation to improve your dodges. When you are too tense or tense, your punches and defensive movements are too and they become jerky like those of a robot. They lack fluidity and speed even though that is what makes the difference in being reactive to the opponent's blows.

Practice relax your body pour qu’il ne consomme pas d’énergie inutilement. Keep bouncing, mais rester sur votre garde, ne soyez tendu que si vous décidez d’accepter et de bloquer l’attaque de votre adversaire. Mais si vous voulez esquiver, absorber ou sortir de l’axe d’attaque de votre challenger, it's better to be released

With the shadow boxing, you learn to stay relaxed and make your movements more fluid. To do this, trust your sensations, do not box while keeping your breath, breathe while remaining on your guard during the exercise.

You can also working with an aquabag ou un sac de sable pour améliorer votre défense. Le boxeur Canelo Alvarez est un expert du travail d’esquive et des mouvements à l’aquabag…

With the aquabag, you learn to perfect your attacks to make them more impactful, but also to improve your movements. Use it to learn about yourself move flexibly and when to attack vigorously.

Improve your dodges using a punching bag and a rope

Another tip is to use a punching bag. Indeed, as the punching bag always comes back towards you after each blow, you are forced to dodge it or to to block so as not to get it in the face. You learn to alternate dodges and blocks while working on your eye and your ability to adapt. Therefore, vary your attacks by using hooks, uppercuts and jabs to alternate your dodges.

A tight rope on both sides, at the height of your chin, is also very useful for improve your defense. Think of it as a strike to your face that you have to dodge in various ways. Use dodging combinations for this, lateral and rotating by bending the legs, but keeping the back straight. And of course always keep your guard up.

Do them as lightly as possible, because they should in no way tire you out, but on the contrary, allow you to counter-attack with force. As soon as you are comfortable, you can even perform sequences with dodge then return.

Mistakes to avoid to avoid blows

move your head too much

When dodging your opponent's punches, don't just move your head. It is also a bad idea to move it in all directions, it will tire you more than anything else... It is your legs that you must bend slightly and your torso that you must rotate. Also keep your chin down and your neck tucked into your shoulders, as if to ward off a blow.

Looking into your opponent's eyes 

Also avoid looking your opponent in the eyes, they can mislead you, a fake look and you are done. Focus instead on the line of his shoulders, an area whose slightest quivers tell you which blow to dodge in time.

Lower the guards

When dodging, don't make the same mistake as beginners, don't let your guard down. Staying on guard protects you from a possible combination of attacks. A dodge with your guard down can quickly turn into an opportunity for your opponent.

Making movements that are too broad 

Also, don't make too big gestures when dodging a blow. This risks unbalance you and prevent you from counterattacking if you lose your support.

Always stay in a defensive position

Il ne suffit pourtant pas d’éviter les coups de votre adversaire, profitez-en pour counterattack or put off. A dodge is even the perfect opportunity to land a blow, so don't sleep on dodges...


Hook, dodge, back arm, knock out the Circle aquabags!

So, have you decided to learn boxing moves and apply them during your training? Do it without an opponent and without a fight. Join Le Cercle, the new boxing concept at the foot of Sacré-Cœur in Paris. 50-minute sessions to learn boxing punches and dodges on an aquabag and do muscle strengthening on fitness benches.

10 round workouts during which you learn the 6 classic boxing moves. By alternating boxing and bootcamp, you hit the aquabags with your best sequences and you tone your body on the benches.

So don't wait any longer, join us and get in on the fun!

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