Welcome » Welcome » The practice of boxing » English boxing sequence: test combos that hit the mark
In English boxing, if there is one sequence that you must master, it is the jab-cross (or 1-2 for connoisseurs). It's the simplest combo, but the most effective!
There is lots of other sequences, more or less complicated. But it's not just about power. It is also a question of timing, of pace and of precision.
The more you master these combos, the more effective you will be with your fists. So, ready to discover combinations worthy of the greatest boxers?
Let's get ready to rumble tiger! 🥊
For good, simple but effective sequences, you must use the 6 fundamental punches noble art:
To send basic suits, you will use 2 to 3 strokes maximum. Often with the jab or cross as a basis.
The goal is not to get your brushes tangled. Once you have mastered these sequences, you can spice them up a little more. 🌶️
We have prepared 6 fairly simple examples for you:
We start of course with the basis of the basics : the jab-cross or the 1-2. Classic, but effective.
You start with a jab to fix the opponent, manage the distance and move his guard a little. Immediately after the jab, send your cross (direct from the rear arm).
Put some power in your cross. This way you take advantage of the opening created by your jab to hit the target. And if ever guard your opponent has not moving, THE cross go there destabilize.
To show you how effective the 1-2 is, this is how Anthony Joshua won his fight against Robert Helenius.
It was in the 7th round that Joshua sent a jab to the body followed by a huge cross to the head to send his opponent to the mat. KO, finish pipo. 😴
Souvent utilisé, l’enchaînement jab-crochet avant est très intéressant pour vary the angle of attack. The hook of the same arm as the jab can be surprising, but above all allows you to bypass the guard.
With the hook, you can either aim for the head or the body to further surprise your opponent. It's a combination simple Who works well !
This sequence is similar to the previous one, except that here, you start strong. You send a powerful cross to break the opponent's guard. This way, your front hook has a better chance of hitting the face.
You can also change level and look for the body with the hook. Or conversely, look for it body with the cross and go back to the head with your hook.
With the Good technical using your hips and power, this sequence of 2 big punches can hurt a lot. 💥
The 1-2-3 is a bit like the improved version of the 1-2. Logical since it adds one more blow. And by any move, the front hook!
Send a hook after the jab and the cross allows you to touch with efficiency. You already destabilize your opponent with the first 2 moves, which gives you a better chance of finding an opening. All you have to do is finish with front arm hook fast, efficient and powerful.
Plus, the combo is easy to chain together. You start with the front arm, then the back arm and finally the front arm.
This combination is also easy to chain : front arm, rear arm, front arm.
You start with a jab to take the information and find the right distance. Then, the cross comes to destabilize the guard with its power. Finally, you end with a front arm uppercut.
With the uppercut, look to touch the chin. Especially if you see an opening thanks to your cross. Otherwise you can descend to the body. An uppercut to the liver is never pleasant.
There we are on a sequence while power : a front uppercut preceded and followed by a cross. Everything you need to hit hard.
Especially since this combination allows you to create a small pendulum effect. You chain punches even better to destabilize your opponent.
In addition, this combo is pretty easy. You chain back arm, front arm and back arm.
Now that you know some basic combinations, we can increase the level a little. 🆙
THE sequences that we are going to present to you are more elaborate. They include feints, dodges and shifts. Which requires more coordination and of reactivity to make the combo effective!
We have prepared 6 ideas for intermediate sequences:
We start with a fairly simple little sequence with a jab feint. The aim of the feint is to destabilize the opponent and to to make react.
Your opponent will expect the jab to be complete. Except you're just going to initiate it, without reaching out to provoke a reaction.
Then, when you have feinted, send your cross to come and touch the face. You can also try to touch the body. This will surprise your opponent even more after your jab feint.
We are already on a slightly more complete sequence, because more long and with a dodge.
To begin, you will send your cross, followed by front hook. Then you will to dodge to anticipate an opposing counterattack. And right after that, you're going to store it with a front uppercut.
The ideal is to use the movement of your dodge to put you in the good position For the uppercut. This way, you will be able to add more impact to your punch. 👊
With this combination, you will use a gap For change angle on your last punch.
Start with one 1-2 very effective in breaking your opponent's guard. Afterwards, shift on the side of your front foot. Like this, you create an opening on the side of your front arm hook.
Once the lateral shift is achieved, all you have to do is send a good big hook in the face, or even to the body if you see an opportunity. It's always good to vary levels in the middle of a sequence.
We increase the level a little more with a sequence which contains a rotating dodge and 4 shots in total.
You will start with a 1-2-3. And right after your front hook, you're going to unhinge thanks to a rotating dodge.
In fact, this dodge has a double function: avoid the cons And start your cross. Servez-vous du mouvement de l’esquive pour envoyer votre cross. Un peu comme un overhand.
With this combination, the idea is to use the 1-2, but to replace the initial cross with a feint.
Start with a good jab, then immediately follow up with a cross feint. Your opponent goes to 1-2, so he/she will prepare for a cross. Except that you are going to use the feint to surprise with a front hook.
What's good about this cross feint, is that she can even unbalance your opponent. As a result, your hook will have a better chance of hitting the mark.
This time, no feinting, no dodging, no shifting, only punches. This sequence is a little more complex, because you will chain 2 blows with your front arm.
You start with a cross to touch your opponent's guard. Afterwards, the front uppercut and the front hook are coming surprise. The goal is to chain them together quickly enough to leave room for one last powerful cross.
It is a combination that can be very effective has short distance. But you're going to have to practice linking the uppercut and the hook well, because it's not always easy to link the two together.
In these different sequences, feel free to add feints here and there. And that, with any cut (jab, cross, hook or uppercut). You can even pretend travel, shoulder movements, etc.
OK, let's get to the heart of the matter with more complex combinations. In addition to feints and movements, we have added the double shots. Which will require a lot of speed and coordination from you!
Here are 6 examples of advanced sequences that you can work on:
This combination is a bit like the classic 1-2, but with a little more complexity. Particularly with a double jab followed by gap.
You start with a double jab. The goal is not to bring your fist back after the first jab to throw a second one. You go bring the arm back halfway to have just enough double your jab.
This double jab will allow you to take the right distance to then send the final cross. But just before, you will take a step gap. Shift to the side of your rear arm.
Use the double jab to initiate the stagger with your back leg. Once you are offbeat, you should have a good opening. So now is the perfect time to send your cross.
Be explosive on the cross For tirer profit de l’ouverture and of the angle of attack trouvé avec le décalage. L’idéal c’est d’envoyer un double jab bien rapide, suivi du décalage et tout de suite après, un cross puissant.
The complicated part of this sequence is above all the front double crochet. For what ? Because you must be almost as fast than Mike Tyson for avoid the cons after your first hook.
But first you send a 1-2 families to reach the guard of your opponent. The goal is to to bring down to continue with the double crochet.
This front arm double hook is interesting because you have 2 options:
Change level, it can more surprise your opponent. Your hook therefore has a greater chance of hitting the mark. But be careful not to get countered after the first hook.
To avoid a counter, you can add A gap between the 1st and 2nd hook. This way you change your angle and get out of your opponent's strike zone.
We are somewhat in the same idea as the previous combination, except that here, you are going to send uppercuts.
Again, you start with a jab-cross to seek to weaken the guard of your opponent. Take advantage of this to immediately follow up with a front uppercut and one double uppercut of the arm back.
What may be interesting is to aim at body with the front uppercut. Like this, you do drop your arms of your opponent. So you have a opening to send your double rear uppercut on the chin.
But you don't have to double uppercut to the face. You can also very well change level to destabilize your opponent.
For the double uppercut, you must be fast And explosive to surprise your opponent. It's also a little risky, because you're a little exposed, so revenez vite en garde après l’enchaînement.
And to be sure to dodge a potential counter, you can finish with a no withdrawal. This way, you get out of your opponent's striking distance.
So here, you will need a good memory to chain the 5 shots in a row. But do not panic. As you chain your front arm to your back arm, it will come by itself.
Start with a 1-2. The jab takes the right distance and the cross breaks the guard. You know the song by dint…
Then you send the sauce with 3 hooks powerful and explosive. At this point you must imagine yourself in the shoes of Mike Tyson.
Send a first front hook, followed by back hook and finish with a front hook.
The idea is to bring down the guard of your opponent by looking for the body with the 1st hook. Then return to the head with the back hook to take advantage of the low guard. Finally, finish with a front hook to the body or head.
This sequence is very effective because it allows you to strike with volume and some power. And it's even better to vary hooks to the body, to the face and again to the body to sow panic in your opponent!
With this combination, you alternate direct, uppercut, hook and direct. And that allows you to find different angles with some powerful blows.
You start again with a 1-2, followed by front uppercut. Jusqu’ici les coups s’enchaînent bien puisque vous faites bras avant, bras arrière et de nouveau bras avant.
We advise you to look for the body with the front uppercut. Like this, you do drop the guard of your opponent and you have a opening for the last 2 punches.
With the back hook and the cross you have to be concentrated. Right after your back hook, come back on guard to avoid the counter. Then send a big cross to finish the combo.
Aim for it face with your back hook to use the opening found with the uppercut to the body. For the cross, you can continue to the face or go back down to the body. We let you choose.
For avoid a counter at the time of cross, you can make a no withdrawal. This way you take advantage of the hip movement of the cross to get out of striking distance.
We finish in style with a sequence that we really like at the Cercle. You start with a double jab to take the right distance and find an opening.
As soon as you bring your front arm back, immediately follow up with a big cross. The best is to aim for body to do drop the guard. Like this, you send your front hook to the face as soon as you have a opening.
And for the last cross, to the body or to the head, it's up to you. Try to change levels depending on your opponent's reaction. But in any case, continue fast and strong.
There you have it, we've given you several sequences to test. You have both simple combinations And complex. But don't think it's over. No way, we still have advice to distill yourself for crazy combos. 🔥
Often during sequences you focus more on certain aspects than others. And suddenly, errors come to slip into your combos.
We have therefore listed some blunders to avoid while you box:
So for avoid these mistakes, try to keep in mind that you must:
To go even further and develop sharp sequences like Philippe Etchebest's knives, we have 2-3 more things to you share. And yes we are generous at the Circle… 🫶
It's simple, to work and improve your combinations, you will have to do:
THE shadow boxing it's perfect for learning and dissect a combination. It's a bit like the first step to familiarize with a sequence. But it is also a very good way to improve your speed of execution.
The ideal is to be able to shadow in front of a mirror. This way you can watch what you're doing. You can see the potential errors.
Start by doing your sequence step by step GOOD slowly. The goal is to assimilate the blows with the right technique. Once you start to well master the combo, go more and more quickly.
And the good thing about shadow boxing is that you improve your:
Once you have memorized your sequence with the shadow, you can work in power and in precision to the bag. Like this, you put on the gloves to apply force and you have a target in front of you.
Après, ce n’est pas la peine non plus de chercher à casser le sac sur chaque coup. Mais vous pouvez quand même vous lâcher !
Work on your sequences punching bag vous permet d’améliorer votre :
THE bear paws in English boxing are perfect for working precision and the coordination of your combinations. It's not for nothing that Mayweather spent a lot of time at bear's feet with his coaches!
The great thing about bear paws is that someone gives you the pace and can you throw blows. It makes learning more alive. Above all, it will help you improve your combinations in terms of:
Once you've gone through the shadow, the punching bag and the bear paws, it's time to implement everything in sparring. You can then try everything you have learned for a combat d’entraînement.
This is a very good way to see if:
Sparring will help you work on your:
In English boxing, sequences surprise And destabilize your opponent. It's a game changer for you to create openings and hit the mark with your punches.
Whatever your level, you can find effective combos! But you can also create your own sequences. Little tips: start with a jab to take the information and find the right distance.
Pour des combos fracassants, n’hésitez pas à les repeat encore et encore. Practice makes perfect ! Alors, qu’attendez-vous pour mettre en pratique vos nouveaux enchaînements ? 🥊
And to go further, we have plenty other articles on boxing (notably the one on the footwork). Come take a look !
You want to test of the sequences ? Do you want to discover something new? That's good, the aqua-bags of Le Cercle are just waiting for you!
The Circle is a boxing concept that mixes boxing and bootcamp for an explosive result: a workout that hits. The goal is to unwind in English boxing to make it accessible to everyone.
Our sessions are divided into several rounds for a total of 50 minutes:
Our courses are designed for 2 things:
And for that, we took care to bring back the crème de la crème of boxing coaches. Motivating, fun and explosive, they are there to guide you and motivate you during your workout! ⚡
At the Circle, you don't talk to us no level ! Everyone has their place in the round. Whether you have already boxed or not, you can come and let off some steam. Our course are accessible to everyone !
On top of that, the only thing you're going to hit during your session is the aqua-bags. No fight, no contact, no risk of going home with a black eye.
SO, it heats you up to test a 50% boxing and 50% bootcamp workout? OK then meeting in the heart of Paris in one of our 3 studios to smash everything in a crazy atmosphere!
Bastille, Beaubourg or Montmartre, we let you choose. Anyway, what matters is not the place, it's the workout. Come join us tiger! 🥊
(*pizza could actually be our newsletter, but it's pretty good too)
Our studios
Le Cercle Boxing – Boxing club in Paris
6 rue de Clignancourt, 75018 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Beaubourg – Boxing club in Paris
60 rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Bastille – Boxing club in Paris
28 rue Popincourt, 75011 Paris
Our studios
Le Cercle Boxing – Boxing club in Paris
6 rue de Clignancourt, 75018 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Beaubourg – Boxing club in Paris
60 rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Bastille – Boxing club in Paris
28 rue Popincourt, 75011 Paris