Welcome » Welcome » Guide to Types of Boxing » Difference kickboxing and Thai boxing: focus on these 2 practices
Sometimes confused by the general public, kickboxing fighting styles and some Thai boxing can be confusing.
But in reality, the Thai boxing is rather offensive with a lot of counter-attacks, where the kickboxing is more defensive with regular travel.
You wish learn more about these 2 combat sports ? In this case, you are at a good place. We explain their differences to you right away !
Let's get ready to rumble tiger! 🥊
At wider, the term kick boxing is often used to describe a little about all the hand-to-hand combat sports. This is why you can hear that there is several styles of kickboxing as :
On the other hand, in a a little stricter sense, kickboxing is a true discipline. It authorizes the feet and the fists, or even the knees depending on the kickboxing style and the rules.
THE blows are allowed above the waist, but also below. A bit like in boxing, THE head and torso movements, as well as defense are essential elements to be a good kickboxer!
Kickboxing is a combat sport more than a martial art as can karate. Furthermore, it is mostly based on punches and kicks !
Out of competition, THE kick boxing is practiced a lot for self-defense, but also in a fitness goal.
To talk a little about sports history, kickboxing developed in the mid-1900s in Japan. This practice is then inspired by several disciplines : THE karate, there western boxing and the muay thai.
THE kickboxing becomes known outside Japan in countries like Thailand and even more to The Netherlands. This is in particular the kickboxer Jan Plas Who popularize And developed THE Dutch kickboxing.
A very particular style recognizable above all by:
It is then in the 1970s that the kickboxing comes to the United States. A key moment since it is this period that it becomes almost mainstream.
If this discipline interests you, we invite you to take a look at our article which talks about kick boxing. You will have all the information needed to learn more about this sport. Now, let's move on to Thai boxing!
If we take the broad sense of kickboxing, the Thai boxing is in some ways the pioneer of kickboxing styles. But it is above all a traditional martial art from Southeast Asia.
Also called muay thai, Or the art of 8 limbs, Thai boxing is an ancestral art. She was notably practiced since the 15th century in the kingdom of Siam (former name of Thailand).
In Thai boxing, techniques are simple and effective, because the goal is simple: toucher l’ennemi pour le mettre K.O. So on a technical level, it’s straightforward!
Muay Thai is a combat sport which allows both percussion and the projections. But that's not all, there are also close clinch phases called clinch. But he is different from clinch in English boxing.
It is one of the most complete boxes that you can practice, because the elbows, THE knees, THE legs and the fists are authorized. It’s not for nothing that it’s called the art of 8 limbs…
You can also grab your legs on a kick And do a sweep to put your opponent on the ground. A projection What…
It's a boxing as intense as it is dynamic and complex, because it asks you to be able to control your entire body to deliver each blow.
If you want everything you need to know about this traditional martial art, we invite you to take a look at our article on muay thai. You will become an expert on Thai boxing!
Okay and now that you know a little more about these two combat sports, we can move on to the main course : muay thai vs kickboxing !
Kickboxing and Thai boxing are two fairly popular sports, but the rhythm of muay thai has difficulty seducing Westerners which are accustomed to kickboxing.
That explains itself notably by many elements :
As the kickboxing is shorter and more intense, it tends to be more popular with the general public. At least especially in Europe.
But it is not not the only difference between Thai boxing and kickboxing. They also differ in terms of:
Muay Thai and kickboxing are different in particular, because the shots accepted are not the same for both :
As for the clinch, there too the two are different :
Level fight rating, Thai boxing and kickboxing are different:
There duration of fights is also not the same :
In Thai boxing and kickboxing, kick zones are different :
There Thai boxing and the kick boxing are both intense and physical, but the rhythm is not the same :
THE strike volume in muay thai is also less important than in kickboxing, what is partly explained by the number of rounds. As there are fewer rounds in kickboxing, fighters seek to strike more.
There is therefore a high volume of punches in kickboxing, with a lot of quick combinations. Where in muay thai, THE combatants are more patient And strike hard as soon as they have an opportunity.
In Thai boxing, you are very much in an offensive perspective and you are attentive to openings to counterattack. Counter-attacks are made with quick and powerful strokes, especially kicks.
In kick boxing, it's a rather defensive style. THE footwork is more important to move sideways, just like the head and torso movements. You will mainly use lots of foot-fist combinations !
At the level of the kick technique, muay thai and kickboxing are different:
In Thai Boxing, THE blows tend to be simpler and less technical than in kickboxing. The goal is to seek efficiency. There is therefore a slightly more technical aspect in the fighting style of kickboxing.
There position of the fighters is also not the same:
It's the same for travel, they arise from the position of each type of boxing :
As for the kick blocks, it is also a something that distinguishes the two practices :
There Thai Boxing and the kick boxing are two different combat sports. THE main differences are the shots allowed, the intensity and rhythm of the fights, as well as offensive techniques.
If you want to try a foot-fist sport, we strongly recommend the kick boxing. On the other hand, if you are looking for a more complete combat sport (melee, elbows, etc.), the Thai boxing is made for you.
Finally, each discipline is effective in its field. Try both and choose the one that suits you. And if you're not convinced, there are other types of boxing, whose boxing, aka the noble art!
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Our studios
Le Cercle Boxing – Boxing club in Paris
6 rue de Clignancourt, 75018 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Beaubourg – Boxing club in Paris
60 rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Bastille – Boxing club in Paris
28 rue Popincourt, 75011 Paris
Our studios
Le Cercle Boxing – Boxing club in Paris
6 rue de Clignancourt, 75018 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Beaubourg – Boxing club in Paris
60 rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Bastille – Boxing club in Paris
28 rue Popincourt, 75011 Paris