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French boxing


French boxing: everything you need to know about boxing

📖 Reading time: 8 min

Do you want to take up a combat sport, but you don't know what type of boxing to choose? Try French boxing, also known as savate. You will be able to do both kicks and punches.

Find out everything there is to know about French boxing!


Qu’est-ce que la boxe française ?

French boxing, also known as French boxing, is practiced only with the feet and fists. Shin, knee and elbow strikes are not permitted. It is the only foot-fist boxing to be born in Europe.

Origin and history

At the end of the 18th century, many fights broke out in Paris. During these violent episodes, kicks are given. In response to this Parisian violence, the slipper is increasingly practiced and taught. This is a method of combat which allows you to defend yourself in the event of a physical attack. It is practiced with shoes on.

During a stay in England, the Frenchman Charles Lecour, himself a savatier student, discovered the practice of boxing on this territory. She is considered there as a street sport without rules and practiced with bare hands.

On his return to Paris, Charles Lecour codified the rules of English boxing. It also mixes the punches of this sport with the techniques of slipper kick

Around 1830, French boxing was born. 

When it appears, it is referred to as savate Or slipper art. In the 20th century, practitioners, named shooters, instead use the name French boxing.

 In 2002, the sport was officially renamed French boxing shoe.

In 2015, this combat sport was even officially registered in theinventory of French intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO.

Authorized shots

French boxing allows 3 punches from English boxing: 

  • THE direct
  • L'uppercut
  • THE hook

Concerning authorized kicks, fighters can perform 4: 

  • the kicks hunted (frontal and lateral)
  • the kicks whipped
  • the kicks reverse (frontal and lateral)
  • the kicks down

Opponents can hit each other according to 3 levels of the body:

  • the lower part of the body: legs
  • the middle part: the bust
  • the upper part: the head

Prohibited techniques

In savate, shooters are not allowed to attack:

  • THE back of their opponent
  • THE genitals
  • there chest in women

As a bonus, certain moves are even completely prohibited, under penalty of receiving a warning: 

  • the punches below the belt
  • the kicks vertical
  • the blows of elbow, of tibia and of knee
  • backhand kicks internal (given with the inside of the shoe)
  • the kicks given with hand on the ground
  • the kicks given back to their opponent

What are the benefits of French boxing?

French boxing is based on the travel, THE sequences, there precision and the tactical. Its practice thus makes it possible to act both on the health but also on the mind of the shooter. Discover the main benefits provided by this combat sport.

You refine your figure

During each exercise, you are constantly on the balls of your feet. You hop forwards, backwards and even sideways. You thus strengthen the muscles of your legs, from your calves to your glutes.

During your workout, you will also engage your upper body when you send your fists. Back, arms, abs, shoulders, everything is toned.

In the end, it is all of your muscles that work with each of your movements. YOU lose weight, build muscle mass and you refine yourself.

You strengthen your endurance 

We don't teach you anything, boxing is a sport that requires lots of cardio.

You need to move quickly between strokes, learn to manage your breathing, and manage to keep up with the workout. 

At first, it will not be easy, but session after session, you will become more resistant And more enduring, without you realizing it. 

You relieve your stress

When you box, you empty your mind in your mind. The time of your session, your frustrations and your daily problems are nothing more than a vague memory. You enter a 100% savate bubble. 

You focus on your hits, your movements, your guard, and your dodges.

Take advantage of this interlude to let off steam and release all your aggression.

You will come out soothed and thelight spirit.

You boost your self-confidence

We know that getting into the ring is not easy for everyone. 

As you practice, you will gain confidence in your hitting techniques and in your sporting abilities. You will also improve your tactical analysis with each new exchange with your training partner.

Thus, you strengthen both your mind but also your self-esteem.

What are the rules of French boxing?

As in all combat sports, French boxing has its own rules and its own practices. In this discipline, competition in the rings is divided into two types: the assault And the fight. Each official competition also requires a minimum level and age to participate. Follow the guide, we will explain everything to you in detail.

The assault

At a assault, the competitors' blows are delivered without being supported. Only the touch counts.

The blows should therefore not be powerful or impactful. Fighters are only judged on their technique, precision and style.

Each area of the body that is hit gives a certain number of points to the shooter who makes the shot: 

  • lower part of the body (legs): 1 point
  • middle part of the body (bust): 2 points
  • upper part of the body (head): 4 points for kicks and 1 point for punches

Leisure sport is most often equivalent to this type of practice.

How many rounds are there in French boxing? In competitions, attacks most often take place in 3 rounds of 1 min 30 each, or 4 rounds of 2 minutes.

The shooter who scored most points at the end of these rounds is declared the winner.

To participate in these assault competitions, boxers must have over 7 years old and they must have validated their level 3, i.e. their red glove.

The fight

Unlike assault, in combat, it is the power and effectiveness of the blows which are to be preferred.

The objective here is to declare your opponent out of combat, or KO.

In general, fights take place in 5 rounds of 2 minutes.

Only the fighters of over 18 years old can participate in combat. With parental consent, a 16-year-old practitioner can also fight. In both cases, the boxer must have at least the rank of yellow glove as well as a medical authorization.

Ranks in French boxing

In slippers, the grade system allows you to determine the level of shooters. Certain competitions are only accessible from a certain grade, also called glove.

The different grades of French boxing are as follows: 

  • Blue glove: initiation, you touch and you are not touched
  • Green glove: initiation, you are not touched, you touch (simple situation)
  • Red glove: improvement, you are not affected, you are affected (complex situation)
  • White glove: improvement, you touch before you are touched
  • Yellow glove: mastery, you disturb to go and touch
  • Technical silver glove: expertise
  • Bronze and silver competition gloves 
  • Vermeil and gold gloves: honorary title

Grades 1 to 4 are validated directly in the club. Each year, French savate boxing clubs organize several grade exams to assess the level of their students. On average, over a season, a shooter can pass between 1 to 2 grades.

To obtain the Bronze Gloves and the Silver Gloves, you must fight

The vermeil gloves and the gold gloves are only givento boxing teachers French who have been practicing for a number of years. These teachers must also be proposed by a competent person in the field. 

Passing grade 5, the yellow glove, is carried out by a federal exam which includes 4 technical tests. Its validation gives access to training and exams for become a savate trainer.

Age categories 

Fencers are divided into 7 categories according to their age, calculated with their year of birth: 

  • pre-chicks : 7, 8 and 9 years old
  • chicks: 10 and 11 years old
  • Benjamins: 12 and 13 years old
  • minimal: 14 and 15 years old
  • cadets: 16 and 17 years old
  • juniors: 18, 19 and 20 years old
  • seniors: combat (21 to 34 years), assault (21 to 39 years)
  • veterans: combat (35 years and over), assault (40 years and over)

If you do not have the age or level required to participate in official French boxing competitions, you can also participate in galas. These galas are unofficial competitions organized between clubs of discipline. 

Weight categories

The weight categories are identical for assaults and for fights. They are just distinct between shooters and shooters.

For women 

In adult women, there are 9 weight categories:

  • less than 48 kg: flies
  • from 48 to 52 kg: roosters
  • from 52 to 56 kg: feathers
  • from 56 to 60 kg: light
  • from 60 to 65 kg: super light
  • from 65 to 70 kg: welterweight
  • from 70 to 75 kg: super welterweight
  • more than 75 kg: heavy

For men 

In adult men, the number of weight categories amounts to 8: 

  • less than 56 kg: feathers
  • from 56 to 60 kg: light
  • from 60 to 65 kg: super light
  • from 65 to 70 kg: welterweight
  • from 70 to 75 kg: super welterweight
  • from 75 to 80 kg: means
  • from 80 to 85 kg: mid-heavy
  • more than 85 kg: heavy

As a fighter, if you enter a weight class, you have to stay there until the end of the season in progress. Otherwise, you simply risk being disqualified of your competitions.

French boxing equipment: the essentials for good practice

Now you know almost everything about practicing French boxing. But what about the clothing and protection necessary for safe practice? We've listed everything for you.

The shooters' outfit 

The savate is practiced in a comfortable outfit for boxers:

  • French boxing shoes, called slippers
  • A pants 
  • A tank top or one T-shirt


In order to practice French boxing safely, fighters must protect themselves from their opponents' blows.

For this reason, the rules on protection are as follows:

  • mouth guard obligatory, even in training
  • boxing gloves obligatory
  • hand bandage allowed
  • Shin pads mandatory for assaults (but prohibited in certain combat categories)
  • protection of sensitive parts (reproductive organs and breasts in women)
  • helmet 

To conclude

French boxing is a combat sport born from merger between the boxing and the slipper.

As soon as it appears, it is codified in order to allow its practitioners to let off steam while remaining safe.

Here are the 7 main pieces of information to remember about this combat sport born in France: 

  1. French boxing authorizes kicks and the punches
  2. His practice is divided into two distinct axes: the assault and the fight
  3. THE grade and glove system allows you to manage the level of students as well as their participation in official competitions
  4. The competitions are distributed according to age and weight of the fighter
  5. Clothing is simple (boxing gloves, shoes, pants, t-shirt or tank top)
  6. The slipper is accessible to everyone from the youngest age
  7. Its benefits are numerous both for your health physical and your health mental

Take action: choose Le Cercle for your combat sport

That’s it, are you convinced? Do you want to try your hand at boxing? To get started gently, we have the concept you need! 

In the Circle studio, you will be able to introduce yourself to boxing where all punches are allowed. Enjoy a immersive course without risking getting hit in return!

To the rhythm of catchy playlists, disconnect completely. Use our aqua bags to awaken the Rocky Balboa that lies dormant in you.

Let off steam while 50 minutes and forget everything else. No fuss, what fun and a good atmosphere! 

With a half-bootcamp, half-boxing workout, switch to off now Tigers! Our coaches are waiting for you in the round.

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